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Import a MultiTerm XML (*.xml) file or a TBX file into a memoQ term base. memoQ automatically detects these file extensions on import. There are no import options for both.

How to begin

Navigate to the Term bases pane of the Resource console. Or, in an open project, click the Term bases icon in Project home. In both cases, a list of term bases appears. You will also see a list of term bases in the fourth page of the New memoQ project wizard. Select the term base you want to import the MultiTerm XML or TBX file into, click the Import terminology link, then, in the Open dialog, locate and select the MultiTerm  XML or TBX file to import.


The languages, terms and the definition fields are imported from the MultiTerm XML and TBX file.

If the Definition field is not at the language level, but on the entry or term level, then it will be imported when there is only one definition field, at language level.

If there are more than one Definition field for a language (at language or term level) with different content, then these fields are ignored on import.

If there is only one definition at the entry level, it is imported into the memoQ Definition field of the memoQ term base, for all languages.

If there is a definition at the term level, but only for one language, it is imported into the memoQ Definition field.

Note: MultiTerm XML and TBX files can be updated. memoQ currently does not support the import of an updated file.

For MultiTerm XML

All languages from the XML file are imported and added to the selected term base. All entries are imported as new. The definition field is imported, if found and according to the above mentioned rules.

The last modifier and last modification date from the <transacGrp> elements are imported.


All languages from the TBX file are imported and added to the selected term base. All entries are imported as new. The definition field is imported, if found and according to the above mentioned rules.

The last modifier and last modification date are ignored on import.