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You can use the term bases, assigned to your project, in your QA check. You can change the QA settings according to your needs, for instance a length check, or a special terminology check.

When you create a new term base in memoQ, you have a matching option in your term base defaults: Fuzzy. Fuzzy means to get hits independently of prefix or suffix matching. In case of German, for instance, you have "Mutter" in your term base. With the Fuzzy setting, it also finds "Mütter". German has a lot of composita like "Festplattenspeicherplatz". When your term base contains "Festplatte" and "speicher", it will be highlighted in the source cell containing the word "Festplattenspeicherplatz".

You also get hits in the translation grid for terms which may have a typo in the term base. For instance, you have entered the term “Stuhl” in your term base, but this is a typo, you actually meant to enter the term “Stahl”. With the Fuzzy matching setting in your term base, you will get a term base hit in the translation grid, although the term has a typo.

This is handy while you translating, but memoQ is also smart not to consider it in the QA check. When you run a QA check, matches like LiftACHSEnstatus for Achse are not considered. Such matches are only used to show terms when working in the translation editor. This way, the false positives in the QA check are avoided. For instance, QA errors like bRINGen for Ring, which is acceptable as a match in the editor, are excluded in the terminology QA check.