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memoQ is able to export term base contents into MultiTerm XML files that can be imported into MultiTerm, the terminology management application of Trados. Choose a term base to export its contents into MultiTerm XML files, and export the term base. memoQ will create three XML files:

XDT: This term base definition file is used to re-create some of the memoQ term base structure. If you want to import the exported termbase into MultiTerm, use this term base definition to create a term base in MultiTerm. Importing the contents of the XML file into a MultiTerm term base with a different structure will probably not work.

XML: This file is used to exchange the content of the termbase entries.

XDL: This layout definition file is used to define how MultiTerm should display entries, including which fields are shown/hidden, and how field labels and field content is formatted.

Note: Without the XDL file the user can choose one of the predefined layouts, and the field names defined in the XDT file are used as field labels.

You can export the selected term base into MultiTerm XML files on the Term bases ribbon tab of Project home or from the Resource console, by selecting the term base you wish to export, and clicking Export terminology, and choosing the Export as MultiTerm XML option.

See also:

Term base CSV import settings

Term base Excel import settings

Term base MultiTerm XML and TBX import settings

Term base TMX import settings