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The TM-driven segmentation settings dialog allows you to configure the TM-driven segmentation settings used during pre-translation. TM-driven segmentation allows you to automatically join and split segments based on the contents of the translation memory, and thus emulate the joins and splits the translator made during the translation of the previous version of the document.

How to begin

This dialog appears when you click Settings on the Scope and lookup tab of the Pre-translation dialog.


Select the following options to configure TM-driven segmentation:

Minimum segment length after splitting (words): Use this spin-control box to execute automatic splitting of segments only if the first part of the segment to be split does not consist of less words than the value set.

Attempt to join third segment: If the automatic joining of two segments does not result in any suitable hit, memoQ will examine whether the two segments joined to the next one results in a suitable hit.

Minimum match improvement (%): Use this spin box to improve the match rate of the automatic joining and splitting results at least by the percentile set.


Click OK to confirm the selection and close the dialog. Click Cancel to return to the Pre-translate dialog without making changes.