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When you created your TM without context enabled, and you import a TMX into your TM, all context fields are ignored on import.

When you import a TMX with the traditional context matching (the Simple context option when you create a TM), then the ID-based context is taken into account.

When you import a TMX into a TM where you have the double context option chosen,

then a missing text flow context is interpreted as a "no segment",

and a missing ID-based context is interpreted as an empty string ID.


If you have a TM with double context and the context ID is null in the TM and in the segment to look up, you get a 101% match, if the preceding and the following segments both match.

If you have a TM with double context and the context ID is equal in the TM and in the segment to look up, but the text flow context is different, you also get a 101% match.


See also:

Double context matches