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A multilingual project is finished if

all the workflow steps have been performed,

for all documents,

in all languages.

You can check a project's progress at several locations.

Checking the progress under Project home / Translations

On the Translations pane of Project home, in the All languages mode (choose language modes at the upper right), you can see the consolidated progress percentage. If you have two target languages and one of the languages is completely translated, but the other has not been started, you will see 50% here. If all segments have been confirmed in all languages for all documents, you will see 100% here. The first percentage indicates the percentage confirmed by Translator or Reviewer 1, the second percentage indicates the percentage confirmed by Reviewer 2.

If you choose a target language, you can see the list of documents, with one of these icons next to every workflow step next to the names assigned:

indicates that the document has not been sent in a handoff package.

indicates that the document has been sent but delivery has not yet been received.

indicates that the document has been partially delivered.

indicates that the document has been fully delivered.

To see how many documents are still in progress, look at the icons next to all workflow steps for all languages.

Checking the progress under Project home / Overview / Handoff/delivery / Delivery status

The Delivery status section of the Handoff/delivery tab of the Overview pane of Project home indicates what documents or views have been delivered. For each workflow step, languages, documents, views, and users are listed for all deliveries.

Checking the progress under Project home / Overview / Reports

The Reports tab of the Overview pane in Project home shows you the following:

Project progress,


Post-translation analysis.

The in the All languages mode are different from the reports for an individual language. You can check the progress percentage based on segments, words or characters.

The Progress summary section shows the metrics and percentage for different segment statuses. Ideally, when a project is done, all segments are confirmed.

The Progress summary by users section shows the progress of each user. Looking at this, you know whom you should call.

The Analysis section is the same analysis you see in the Statistics dialog, invoked from the Translations pane of Project home. The analysis gives you the repetitions, the exact and fuzzy translation memory matches, and the homogeneity metrics. You can get an updated analysis at any time during the project.

For collaborative projects where more than one translator has worked on the same set of files, the Post-translation analysis section is more meaningful. It tells you how many exact or fuzzy matches each translator got during the project. Post-translation analysis can be calculated only after translation is complete.