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While in most editing environments you can only work with one or two versions of a document, memoQ allows you to store all the previous versions and edits of a document. In translation management this is crucial: when your customer sends you an update to the document you are translating, it allows you to compare what has changed in the source, but it also allows you to see what the proofreader has changed to the translator's version.

Version control even goes further by allowing any number of document snapshots, and every time a new person starts working on the file, a snapshot is created automatically. So if you have five review stages, you are able to compare any review stage with any other review stage or the translation.

Version control gives you a lot of useful information, but requires more disk space or processing power. Therefore you can switch off versioning before you import a new document, but once a document has been imported with version control turned on, nobody can turn off the recording of versions.

memoQ allows versioning on two levels: documents and segments. Segment-level versioning works in online projects, where translation and review can happen at the same time. In local projects, memoQ takes snapshots of documents.

Every version of a document has a version number which contains of two numbers: a major and a minor version identifier. When you import a file, it becomes 1.0 - the first source without translation. When you start working on this file on your own, it becomes 1.1 - first source, first target. When you export this and give it to somebody else for finishing, it becomes 1.2. When this person finishes translating and sends it back to you, it becomes 1.3. When you send it out to the proofreader, it becomes 1.4 if you made changes. So every time a new person starts working, the minor version number, the second number increases by one.

When your customer sends you a new version of the same document and you reimport it, the major version number goes up. The next version is 2.0, and if you start working, 2.1. If you send it out, 2.2, and so on. With another update from your customer, this becomes 3.0, etc.

When you for instance receive a memoQ XLIFF file and the DOCX file of the same document from your customer, you can import the memoQ XLIFF file in your project with all the existing translations in it, then the DOCX file. memoQ detects the Update action. The version number goes up to 2.0. Use X-Translate on the Documents ribbon tab to x-translate your document.


See also the webinar, available on the Kilgray website.