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Very often translators get updates to the same document. If you are versioning your documents, an update to the source means a new major version.

Importing updates to the document

Select a document and use the Reimport document button on the Documents ribbon tab to reimport the changed document or import a new document as an update to the old document.

Note: Whenever you import an update to the source, memoQ stores the last target version as the last minor version of the previous major version.

Seeing what has changed

You can compare any previous two versions of the same source by selecting History/Reports in the Documents pane of Project home, selecting the two major versions from the upper list, and clicking Export two-column view of changes. This will create an HTML file that you can open in a web browser. The HTML file consists of two parts: the change summary and the table view.

The change summary contains the number of segments that remained unchanged, the number of nearly identical segments, the number of segments that disappeared and the number of newly added segments. Nearly identical segments are identical with the sole exception that their inline tag attributes differ. This is automatically adjusted by memoQ from the translation memory. If a segment is changed, that qualifies as a disappeared and newly added segment. The word and character counts indicate the number of words and characters in the same category.

The table view shows the entire document in a grid. Segments next to each other, with a transparent background mean segments that remained identical. A beige background indicates nearly identical segments - they are always next to each other -, whereas new segments appear in blue on the right, deleted segments appear in pink on the left. This is a visual overview of the changes.

Continuing where you left off

memoQ's X-Translate feature allows you to apply the target segments from a previous version to the new version. The difference between pre-translation and X-translate is that while pre-translation uses translation memories,  X-Translate takes the segments from the previous version of the same document. Use X-Translate on the Documents ribbon tab to start X-translation.