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This is the most important part of the memoQ interface: the one where you edit your translation. The translation editor appears as a tab in the memoQ window. It shows the contents of a single translation document or view, plus resources that you can use while translating.


How to begin

In the Translations pane of Project home, double-click the name of a document or a view. memoQ will open a new tab in the window, and display the document contents there. If the document is already open, memoQ switches to the corresponding tab.

You may need to wait until memoQ downloads the preview: If you work on a checked-out copy of an online project, memoQ may need to download the preview at this point. When you check out a project, memoQ does not download the preview, so that the checkout is faster, and you can start working sooner.


The translation editor consists of three panes:

Translation grid: This is a table where the document contents are shown. You can type your translation in the second column (strictly speaking, this is the third column because the first contains the numbers of the segments). For more on the translation grid, see the Translation grid topic. For more on filtering and sorting the contents of the translation grid, see the Filtering and sorting topic.

Translation results: Lists any suggestions from resources used in the active projects. Suggestions can come from translation memories, term bases, auto-translation rules, and non-translatable lists. memoQ can also offer intelligent suggestions such as fragment-assembled text or automatic concordance (or longest substring concordance) results. For more on the Translation results pane, see the Translation results pane topic.

Real-time preview: Shows the formatted preview of the translation, which changes dynamically from the source language into the target language as you are progressing. For more on this pane, see the Real-time preview topic.

The translation editor can have a fourth pane, Horizontal editing, which appears just below the translation grid, and displays the current segment with the source cell above the target cell.

Below the translation editor is an information bar which shows you the document name, the edit distance and a Jump in link when you work on a view.