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memoQ does not support using resources (translation memories, term bases, corpora, light resources) and projects from a network drive. It is the memoQ server, rather than the file server, that takes care of sharing all the resources. Therefore you should avoid storing resources on network drives or in roaming profiles.

memoQ translator pro does not support sharing resources. The memoQ server does. If you are using a memoQ server, you can share resources from the Resource console. You can also share translation memories and term bases via Language Terminal.

When configuring the default locations in the Locations pane of the Options dialog or in the Startup Wizard, always select folders stored on a local drive. If you have, by mistake, chosen a network drive, memoQ will display a message that you are about to store resources on a network drive.

You can import documents from and export documents to a network folder.


See also:

memoQ corporate network guide