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To use a term base, you need to add it to your project using the Term bases ribbon tab of Project home.

You can use term bases stored locally on your computer, or on one or more memoQ servers. The latter are called remote term bases. When you are working on a project, memoQ does not use all available term bases by default. To use a term base in your current project, you must explicitly select that term base for your project. You can do this by clicking the check box next to the term base in the list of the Term bases pane.

You can use multiple term bases in your project, and you can mix local and remote term bases. You can rank your term bases. As you work on your translation, you can use keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+Q (Quick add term) and Ctrl+E (Add term) to add new terms to the term bases -- without leaving the translation editor. When you add a new term with Ctrl+E, you can set up more than one term bases where you want to add the term, and memoQ will remember this setting the next time you add a term either by normally adding it or quick adding it. By default, the term base ranked first is selected.

You can rank any term base as the first one. If another term base was the first one previously, it will be ranked second or whatever ranking you specify for this term base.

If you do not want to store new entries in the term base that you ranked first, select a term base on the Term base ribbon tab, then click Set As Target For New Terms. When you now press Ctrl+Q, all new terms are stored in this term base. This also works when you have memoQ and qTerm term bases in your project.

Using memoQ term bases and qTerm term bases together in one project

When you work for a vendor and your vendor uses qTerm, you are most likely asked to add new terms to the qTerm term base. However, you also want to grow your own local term base for this vendor (client).

In your project, you press Ctrl+Q to quick add a term to the term base that is set as target for your new terms. If your term base is a qTerm term base, then the term is added to qTerm. Only the source and target terms are sent to qTerm - without any other metadata. However, in qTerm you can set mandatory fields. These required fields are filled with the default value indicated in qTerm. For example: the Status field is a mandatory field and the default value is set to New for each new term. You add the term, then the Status field is automatically pre-filled with New as status.

Note: There is no duplicate check for adding new terms to a qTerm term base.

Note: You cannot add a term to a memoQ term base and a qTerm term base simultaneously as you can do it with memoQ term bases. When you have for example selected 2 memoQ term bases, you can add a term simultaneously to both term bases when pressing Ctrl+E. You need to first add the term to the memoQ term base or the qTerm term base and then to the other term base. The Create term base entry dialog shows a link to qterm when you add the term to a memoQ term base.