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Turning on versioning in a project

To turn on the versioning of documents in a project, go to Project home > Settings pane and check the Record document version history check box under the Document versioning section. Only newly added documents will be under version control.

Similarly, you can turn off versioning for newly imported documents by unchecking the check box.

Note: By default, version history is enabled.

Exporting a document with version history

Choose Export > Export bilingual on the Documents ribbon tab in the Translations pane of Project home to export a document with its entire version history. You can export the version history into the memoQ  XLIFF formats.

Note: Even if you do not export version history into a file and receive a different version of the file back, importing it will not delete the version history stored in your copy of memoQ.

A new version of a document is created when

importing a handoff package from a versioned master project into a local project

importing a non-versioned handoff package from a local master project into a local project

importing a handoff package from a versioned master project into a server project

importing a non-versioned handoff package from a local master project into a serverr project

importing a handoff package from a server project into a local project