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In the translation grid, you can edit the contents of a translation document manually. Translation documents, however, often contain a multitude of segments and may be hard to navigate. You can make your job easier by creating views of filtered or sorted segments from the selected translation documents. After creation, these views can be opened from the Views tab in the Translations pane of Project home.

Using views is different from the on-the-fly filtering and sorting that is done with a document in the main translation grid. A view is always static – it has a name and it can be re-opened any time, can be exported or imported as though it were a separate file, can be assigned to a translator, etc. In contrast, the results list of on-the-fly filtering are not a separate entity, and so are available to you only temporarily. With on-the-fly filtering, when you close the project, you lose the filtered list. If you need the filtered results again, you would have to run the on-the-fly filter again.

You can also use Views in online documents. Previously, you were not able to use online documents when you had set up your online project with online documents.

See also:

How to create, import and export a collection of filtered segments

Working with views

Typical scenarios involving views

Create views (filtering and sorting) dialog