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Views represent segment collections assembled from specific segments of the selected translation documents using filtering and sorting options. To learn more about their concept, see Views. To view the available views created in the project, click the Views tab in the Translations pane of Project home.

How to begin

Navigate to the Project home tab (only available if you have a project open in memoQ), and click the big Translations icon on the left. Click the Views tab above the document list.

The list of views

The Views tab lists the views created in the project. Views behave like documents: you can work on them in the translation grid, and you can also export them to and update them from bilingual documents.

When you change a segment in a view, memoQ will also change the corresponding segment in the original document. The progress numbers of the original document also change.

Views can have a preview if the corresponding document has a preview. When you open multiple files, then the previews are merged, displaying them one after the other in the HTML preview section.

Joining and splitting segments in the joint view is possible except when you try to join two segments from different documents. When using joint views: split and join will only be possible through a view if the document in question is member of that exact one view. If a document is member of multiple views its segment count becomes locked, and no spitting or joining is possible. If a document is part of any view split and join is disabled for the document itself as well. If you filter a view, then split and join is also disabled.

Note: If a document is included in a view, join/split is disabled in the document as the information of a split or joined segment in a document cannot be transferred to the view.

Views cannot be exported into translated documents: all segments in a view have a corresponding segments in one of the actual translation documents, listed in the Documents tab.

The list of views has the following columns:

Name: The name of the view specified in the Create view dialog.

Comments row: Shows the comment icon. If there is no comment for a view, then the icon is light blue. If there is a comment for this view, then the comment icon is yellow.

#: The number of segments in the view.

Progress: The progress of the translation and proofreading of the view in numbers. The first percentage shows how many of the segments were translated; the second number shows how many of them were confirmed by the Reviewer 1, and the third number shows how many of the segments were confirmed by the Reviewer 2 (proofread).

You can select a view by clicking its row. You can also select multiple views by pressing and holding down Ctrl, and clicking each view.

To open a view in the translation grid, double-click its name.

Important: You cannot open a view for translation if one of the documents where the segments come from is also open. You cannot open a document for translation if a view created from its segments is open.


Assigning views to users

In the project manager edition of memoQ, the list of views has three additional columns: Translator, Reviewer 1, and Reviewer 2. This view keeps track of the workflow for each view or document. memoQ assumes that a view or a document is first translated, and then reviewed, and optionally reviewed a second time.

For each view, you can assign three tasks to people. You can choose a translator, a first reviewer, and a second reviewer for your project. Simply type a name in each field. memoQ keeps track of the names you enter, so that you can choose previously entered names from drop-down lists.

To actually distribute the tasks among the users, you need to create handoff packages in the Overview pane of Project home. If you do this, memoQ keeps track of an offline workflow. Next to each name, there is an icon indicating the status of the task:

: document not handed off yet for the task where this icon appears

: document handed off, awaiting translation or review results

: document received, but not all segments were confirmed.

: document received, with all segments confirmed

Caution: Each view can contain segments from various documents in the project. If you work with multiple views, it is possible that more than one views contain the same segments from the same documents. If you assign the views to translators, the translation tasks might become overlapped, and a segment might be translated more than once. To avoid this, always check the project before handing off the translation tasks: under Handoff checks in the Overview pane, memoQ always shows if a segment is assigned to a translator more than once.

Alternatively, you can publish your project on a memoQ server, and match all user names you entered here to user names on the memoQ server.

Actions on views

Several commands are available for views. To use them, right-click a view, and choose a command from the popup menu. These options are also available on the Documents ribbon tab.

Remove: Removes the selected view or views from the project. This command does not delete any actual segments from the translation documents.

Add to LiveDocs: Opens the Add documents to corpus dialog to add the view to a LiveDocs corpus.

Open for Translation (Translate on the Documents ribbon tab): Opens the contents of the selected view in the translation grid. You can also double-click a view to open it for editing.

Update Bilingual: Imports a bilingual document, and attempts to update the selected view from it. This option is only visible in checked out online projects for the Views tab. If you are on the Documents tab, Update From Bilingual is also not visible.

Note: To import a bilingual document as a new document in the project, choose Import > Import with options on the Documents ribbon tab.

Export Bilingual: Starts the Bilingual document export wizard to export the selected view into a bilingual document. When you export a view in a bilingual document, you cannot export the formatting along with the segments. This means that no translated document can be exported from a bilingual document that originates from a view.

Export (Dialog): Exports all the documents present in the joint view the same way as for one document on the Documents tab. For each document, memoQ will display the Save as dialog where you can choose a location and a name for the document to be exported. If the document has formatting tag errors, memoQ gives you warnings, and does not export the document.

Note: You can export the view only if all member documents are fully contained by a view. If the view contains any documents partially (not all of their rows) than the export is not possible.

Export (Stored Path): Exports all the documents present in the joint view the same way as for one document on the Documents tab to the location shown in the Export path column for each document. If a document has formatting tag errors, memoQ gives you warnings, and does not export the document.

Note: When you use Export Active Document As Plain Text, then all documents present in the view are exported in a TXT file.


Assign: Using this command, you can assign multiple documents to a single user in one or more workflow roles (Translator, Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2). The command displays the Assign selected documents to users dialog where you can choose one user for the Translator role, another for the Reviewer 1 role, and yet another for the Reviewer 2 role.



To switch to the list of documents, click the Documents tab.

To switch to another pane in Project home, click its icon to the left. The name of the active pane is set in bold.

To close Project home, close the entire project in the Application menu > Close Active Project. Or click Close Project on the Project ribbon tab.