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memoQ 2014 (7.0) introduces the following new features:

Use the links to jump to the corresponding topics in the memoQ Help.

Project templates. Project templates help you to easily set up a project with pre-defined configurations. Project templates allow you to automate workflow steps such as pre-translation and statistics. memoQ comes with default templates to help you get started. If you use Content Connectors, you can also use a Content Connector template to use the power of workflow automation with templates.


Improved Translations pane. The Translations pane has a new design. In the Translations pane, you find now detailed information on the document status, the assignments, the progress, the document versions. You can switch between the tree view and a flat view. In the tree view, you see a folder structure similar to Windows Explorer. The Translations pane also offers you searching and sorting functionality. You can filter for only those documents that you need to see, e.g. assigned to a specific user. Or sort the Translations pane by deadline, document name or user role. The Translations pane also provides you detailed information for a document. Simply select a document, then click the Details button. You get a summary for this document: assignment status, used import filter, etc.


Grammar checker. You can now not only spell check your documents but also perform a grammar check on the fly. Set up the grammar checker in Tools > Options > Spelling and grammar.


TaaS plugin. Use the TaaS plugin for looking up terms in your term collection stored in your TaaS profile, include TaaS in your term extraction process.


Image localization. Extract images that need to be localized and automatically include the localized images in your translated documents. You save time for editing translated documents. Images behave like a special type of document. memoQ supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, EXIF, PNG and TIFF.


Support of embedded objects. memoQ supports the import and export of embedded objects in Ms Office X documents: MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), plain text (TXT), PDF, XML, HTML, MIF, TMX, XLIFF in its various versions, and InDesign file formats (INX and IDML without preview). Create a composite filter to include or exclude embedded objects from MS Office X formats.


Tag handling tweaks. Tag handling was improved to help you automatically inserting tags, arrange them in the target segment based on the tag order in the source segment, and fix tag problems on document export.


Properties in Windows. Since Windows Vista, it is possible to add properties to Windows files, like videos or music files often have. memoQ now uses properties for the following file formats: MQXLIFF, XLF or XLIFF, SDLXLIFF, TMX, MQOUT, MQBKF, MQBACK, MPRX.


Editing time. If you want to measure the time you spent editing for machine translated documents, and you want to compare this time to the actual time you would need for translation, you can enable edit time in Tools > Options > Miscellaneous. memoQ enables you to track the time you spent editing segments, and you can generate a report in Project home > Overview > Reports. When you record your time that you spent working on a document, you can create a report. The editing time report contains the sum of all editing times for all segments in your current role, regardless of when the segment was changed and by whom.


Removing duplicates from TM and TB. Clean your term base from duplicate entries. You may have generated duplicates in creating a project with the language combination English and German, but you import terminology into your term base which has English-US and German-Germany. When you add a term to one of your term bases assigned to your project, memoQ checks if a term base entry is already there.

Maybe your TM contains entries where the source is equal, you want to delete these entries, but also merge entries, having a master entry, or set an entry as preferred/not preferred because some translators are better than others or by role (reviewed entries by a reviewer role are preferred over translated ones). With the TM duplicate filter, you can filter for various types of duplicates: same source + target, same source, same target.


More improvements and tweaks:

Importing Star Transit terminology

Importing terminology from SDL Studio package

Introducing the Reviewer 1 confirmed status. Learn more on the confirmed status.

Improved predictive typing

Strict sublanguage matching for TB lookup

Preview in Views: Views can now have a preview if the corresponding document has a preview. When you open multiple files, then the previews are merged, displaying them one after the other in the HTML preview section.

Rename your projects


For memoQ server users:

One type of an online project. Prior to memoQ 2014 (7.0), memoQ differentiated between desktop and server documents. From memoQ 2014 onwards, there is only one type of an online project. The synchronization is continuously when a user is online, and when a user is offline, then the document behaves as desktop document.


Project wrap up. When a project is fully delivered and all wrap-up work is done (deleting unnecessary TMs, confirming and updating segments to the master TM, etc.), then the project is finished. In the Translations pane of Project home, go to the Documents tab and below the list of documents, click the Wrap up link. This works for local and online projects. The project now goes into the Finished state. A finished project is displayed in green background color in the Dashboard.

The Wrap up feature can also be used in automatically performed actions when you use project templates. In project templates, you can configure automatic actions, for instance you click the Wrap up link and memoQ exports your documents, exports to memoQ XLIFF, confirms and updates roews, deleting the working TMs automatically.


Auto piloting an online project (workflow automation). Maybe you are one of the project managers who set up the projects manually and/or configure project templates to be used by others. But maybe you are the other kind of project manager who likes to use such a project template created by your colleague, or who would like to have the least amount of clicks for project creation and management. If you belong to the second group, then the autopilot function may come in handy. When you created an online project from a project template, the Autopilot is on by default. This workflow automation enables you to create a project with pre-defined settings, and straight after project creation, performing actions like pre-translation, running statistics, or lock segments.

There are several project phases which you can define and automate using project templates:

After project creation and initial import of documents is finished

Before documents are imported/reimported

After documents are imported/reimported

After project is finished (Wrap up)


More workflow enhancements with distributing documents evenly, automated calculation of delivery dates and the inclusion of a weighted word counts when you assign e.g. a single user, or use FirstAccept, or GroupSourcing.


Introducing the People pane. The People pane provides for adding or removing users in the project. memoQ can also auto-assign the people you are adding to your project to the memoQ user roles (translator, reviewer 1, reviewer 2). The new People pane replaces the Users tab of the Overview pane.



For the memoQWeb users:

Cross referencing in qTerm. You can create and maintain relationships between entries in the same term base, called cross referencing. An entry can have any number of relationships, e.g. an abbreviation of a term, a homonym, synonym, or antonym.


Split and join in memoQWebTrans. It might be necessary to join or split a segment, for instance when a segmentation rule did not segment properly or when the text flow requires a joining of segments. When the split and join operation is enabled for the online project you are working on, you can join and split segments in memoQWebTrans as well.


Edit source in memoQWebTrans. It might be necessary to correct the source segment, e.g. there is typo in a word. Under normal circumstances, you are not allowed to modify source segments. This command lets you edit the source segment. This may be useful when you need to correct a typo or mistake in the source segment that is not likely to repeat, in order to have the correct source segment stored in the translation memory. To use this command, first position the cursor in the source text.


More translation results hits. memoQWebTrans now also displays non-translatables, auto-translatables, LSC hits and hits from Fragment Assembly. The order of the hits displayed in the Translation results pane of memoQWebTrans is:

TM and corpora




Fragment search (fragment assembly)

automated concordance (LSC)



Language Terminal integration:

You can now create a Language Terminal project entry for online projects too. Assign Language Terminal users to a memoQ project. If the Language Terminal user has memoQ, he can click the project link in the e-mail notification, and check out the online project, download a package, or log in and translate in memoQWebTrans. Language Terminal now supports Single Sign On. Use the Language Terminal login details to log in to memoQWebTrans.