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Your client can send you projects in memoQ's handoff package format. These are compressed files with the *.mqout extension. You need to process these projects in memoQ and deliver them to your client in the *.mqback format. Handoff packages contain all information you receive from your client.

Importing a handoff package

You can import handoff packages by clicking Import Package on the Project ribbon tab, or in the Manage projects dialog. memoQ detects the package type and invokes the corresponding import wizard. In the Import handoff package dialog, you may want to rename the project or save it to a different location. After clicking OK, memoQ automatically sets up your environment, and you are ready to start translating.

If your client sends an update package, simply import it the same way. It will make changes to the project you already have.

Delivering your translation

You can easily deliver one or more documents to your client. On the Translations pane of Project home, select the documents you want to deliver and click Deliver/Return on the Documents ribbon tab. memoQ will create another compressed file with the *.mqback extension. Send back this file via e-mail or upload it to your client's server (if the client specified an upload location). In the latter case, you need to contact your client if you need more information on how to upload your work.

Note: This method of delivering translations works only when you are working with projects imported from handoff packages.

Note: When you need to deliver a package created from an online project, you also deliver a return package (*.mqback file). But when you are connected to the memoQ server, memoQ automatically sends the package after you clicked the Deliver/Return button on the Documents ribbon tab. You can also upload a package to memoQWeb if your customer uses memoQWeb.

Delegating your work

In memoQ's project manager edition, you can further delegate your work. This is very useful when you are working for a translation company receiving work from your enterprise customer and you want to delegate the work to translators. For more information, see Set up a project for your team.