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When you as the project manager set up an online project, you choose the resources such as the TMs and term bases, and you import the translatable documents In an online project, you manage the entire life of each document in the Translations pane of the memoQ online project dialog. When a project is fully delivered and all wrap-up work is done (deleting unnecessary TMs, confirming and updating segments to the master TM, etc.), then the project is finished.

On the Project ribbon tab, click the Wrap Up command. This works for online projects. The button is not visible in local project or checked out local copies of an online project.

When you click this link in the online PM window in the Translations pane or on the Project ribbon tab when connected to a memoQ server, the project now goes into the Finished state. A finished project is displayed in the Dashboard with this status icon: .

Note: When you use the webPM in memoQWeb, the Wrap up feature is available as Finalize option.

The Wrap up feature can also be used in automatically performed actions when you use project templates. In project templates, you can configure automatic actions, for instance you click the Wrap up link in the online PM window in the Translations pane, and memoQ exports your documents, exports to memoQ XLIFF, confirms and updates rows, deleting the working TMs automatically.


See also:

Use project templates for project creation

memoQ online project (window)