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Workbooks created in Microsoft® Excel® 2003 or earlier (*.xls extension)

XLS is the document format of Microsoft® Excel®, a spreadsheet application.

When importing and exporting Microsoft® Excel® workbooks (*.xls files), memoQ uses interoperability features of Microsoft® Office®. If you do not have MS Office installed on your computer, you need to use the Aspose option to import XLS files.

When an XLS file is imported, the translation document in memoQ will contain uninterpreted formatting tags (of the form {1}, {2}, etc.) You cannot change the order of these tags. All tags from the source side must be present in the translation to avoid errors that prevent export. This limitation does not apply to XLSX files.

Workbooks created in Microsoft Office Excel® 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2010, or higher (*.xlsx extension)

Microsoft Office 2007 introduced the new XML-based XLSX format that can be imported and exported directly by memoQ. Import and export works even on machines without Office®, use Aspose instead.

In the case of XLSX, you will see inline tags in your translation document. Unlike uninterpreted formatting tags, inline tags can be reordered, or, if not needed, omitted from the translation.