Ribbons: Alignment
The Alignment ribbon appears when you are working on an aligned document pair or on monolingual review, in the alignment editor.
To learn more: See Help about the alignment editor and about importing a reviewed version of a document.

Create Synchro Link: Links two segments, and aligns them in the same grid row. Synchro links show as blue lines. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+L.
Create Cross Link: Links two segments leaving them in different grid rows. Cross links show as dashed blue lines. Use this when the order of segments is different in the source document and in the target document. Shortcut key: Ctrl+O.
Mark As Insertion: Marks a segment as an insertion: tells memoQ that the segment has no counterpart in the other document. Shortcut key: Ctrl+I.
Remove Link or Insertion: Remove a link between two segments. Also removes insertion marks. Shortcut key: Ctrl+R.

Appears only when you work on monolingual review: After you import a reviewed translation of a document, you need to align the reviewed translation with the "original" translation stored in memoQ.
Create Review Link: Links two segments. This tells memoQ that the segment on the right is the reviewed version of the segment on the left. Review links show up as blue lines like synchro links. Shortcut key: Ctrl+L.

This section deals with links that were created automatically by memoQ. These are the green links.
Remove All Auto Links: Removes all links that were automatically created by memoQ.
Confirm All Auto Links: Confirms all links that were automatically created by memoQ. Confirmed auto links become synchro links, which show as blue lines. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+C.

Run Aligner: Runs automatic alignment again on the current document pair. Does not touch manual links (synchro links and cross links) or insertion marks. Automatic alignment can start at the current segment or can be run on the entire document pair. Brings up the Alignment options window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+R.
Export To TM: Exports the alignment results – the synchro links and cross links confirmed by a user – to one of the translation memories in the active project. Brings up the Export to TM window.