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CMS Dashboard: Jobs
This page lets you view and manage translation jobs incoming via CMS connections.
How to get here
- Start memoQ and sign in to a server.
- In the Project ribbon's Manage Project section, click the CMS Dashboard button.
- The CMS Dashboard window opens, with the Jobs tab active.
What can you do?
To switch to a different server: At the top right of the window, open the memoQ server dropdown, choose a server, and click the check mark button at its right.
To view batches and jobs:
- Choose an option under Load batch and job information for:
- To see all batches and jobs: Choose the All CMS connections radio button.
- To see batches and jobs that arrived via one specific CMS connection: Choose the CMS connection radio button. Type a part of the CMS connection's or the client's name, and choose the connection from the dropdown.
- To see batches and jobs imported into one specific project: Choose the memoQ project radio button. Type a part of the memoQ project's name or project ID, and choose the connection from the dropdown.
- Click the Load/Refresh button.
Under Batches and jobs, the list of current jobs appears:
The jobs appear grouped by CMS connection, then memoQ project, then language pair.
- To filter the list: Start typing into one of the Filter by... column headers and the list will change instantly.
- To select or deselect jobs or batches: On the left, check or clear their check boxes. Selecting or deselecting an item affects all items grouped under it, too (these are called child items).
- To choose how the selection of child items works: The When clicking a batch or language pair, select all of these list shows the statuses which will be selected. Click to turn on or off any status in this list.
- To deselect all jobs: On the right, click Deselect all.
- To select all jobs: On the right, click Deselect all, then click Reverse selection.
- To import jobs into an online project: Select the jobs you want and click the Import to project button. The Create new project from template window opens.
- To deliver completed jobs: Select the jobs you want and click the Deliver selected jobs button. The translated files go back to the CMS where they came from.
- To cancel jobs: Select the jobs you want and click the Cancel selected jobs button, and confirm the action. The jobs' status becomes Cancelled.
- To delete jobs: Select the jobs you want and click the Delete selected jobs button, and confirm the action. The jobs disappear from the list.
Note: Deleting jobs here does not delete projects from the memoQ server.
When you finish
To return to the PM Dashboard: click Close.