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CMS Dashboard: Events

Whenever something CMS-related happens (for example, new jobs arrive, or a workflow processes a job), the memoQ server creates an event, and sends a notification email to the client of that CMS connection. This page shows the events related to CMS jobs.

How to get here

  1. Start memoQ and sign in to a server.
  2. In the Project ribbon's Manage Project section, click the CMS Dashboard button.
  3. The CMS Dashboard window opens, with the Jobs tab active.
  4. Click the Events tab.

What can you do?

To switch to a different server: At the top right of the window, open the memoQ server dropdown, choose a server, and click the check mark button at its right.

To filter the event list:

  1. At the top of the Events list, enter filter values.
    • For fields that have a dropdown icon: Click the icon and choose a value. You can also type into the fields and use auto-complete, but only the built-in values are valid. For example: if you just enter "New" into the <Filter by Event type> field and delete the suggestion "New jobs waiting", memoQ will not filter for the word "New".
    • For fields that have no dropdown icon: Type the filter value in the field. There is no auto-complete here, memoQ will filter for what you typed (see the Connection field in the image above).
  2. Under the list, click Refresh. The filter turns on.

    To switch the filters off:

  3. At the top of the Events list, clear filter values.
    • For fields that have no dropdown icon: Select all the text and press the Delete key.
    • For fields that have a dropdown icon: Click the icon and choose All. You can also select all the text and press the Delete key.
  4. Under the list, click Refresh. The filter turns off.

    To view details of the selected event: These appear in the Event details section.

When you finish

To return to the PM Dashboard: click Close.