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Corpus properties

In this window, you can see and change the most important details about a LiveDocs corpus.

How to get here

Open the Resource console. Choose LiveDocs. In the upper list, right-click the name of a LiveDocs corpus, and choose Properties.

In a project: In Project home, choose LiveDocs. In the upper list, right-click the name of a LiveDocs corpus, and choose Properties.

What can you do?

  • Check if the corpus is on your computer: This is in the Location section. If it shows Local resource, it's on your computer. If it shows Online, it's on a memoQ server. The window shows which server it is.

    You need permissions for an online corpus: You cannot change the details of the corpus if you don't have Admin permission for it.

  • Rename the corpus: Change the name in the Name box.
  • Find the folder where the corpus is stored (local corpora only): Select the text in the Path box, and copy it to the clipboard. Open File Explorer in Windows, and paste the text in the Address box (at the top). Press Enter.

    Cannot move the corpus: You cannot change the path. This means you cannot relocate the corpus this way.

  • Change meta-information: Type or change text in the Project, Client, Domain, Subject, or Description boxes. These are mostly for information only.
  • Protect the corpus from accidental changes: Check the Read-only check box. You won't be able to add new documents, change existing documents, or work on alignment while this is on.
  • Check how many documents there are in the corpus: Click the Document counts tab. memoQ lists the number of documents by document type and language or language pair.

When you finish

To save the changes to details: Click OK.

To leave the window without changing anything: Click Cancel.

When you stop or restart indexing, that changes immediately. memoQ doesn't stop or restart indexing when you click OK or Cancel: The power button does that immediately.