This topic is for memoQ 9.0. Have an older version? Click here.

Create new keyboard shortcut set

You can customize keyboard shortcuts that you use in memoQ. To do it, you need to create and edit a keyboard shortcut set. A keyboard shortcut set is a collection of keyboard commands that you can use in memoQ, mostly in the translation editor (or other editing tabs).

memoQ can work with one keyboard shortcut set at a time. If you have several keyboard shortcut sets, you can choose the one you use in the Options window. Open the Options window, and choose Keyboard shortcuts. Check the check box of the keyboard shortcut set you want to use. Click OK.

You cannot edit the default keyboard shortcut set. Either you need to make a copy of it, or you need to create a new one.

Default keyboard shortcuts: A new keyboard shortcut set is set to the default keyboard shortcuts - see the Keyboard shortcuts help topic. You need to edit it if you need different keyboard shortcuts.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose Keyboard shortcuts. Under the list, click Create new.

From the Options window: Open the Options window. Choose Keyboard shortcuts. Under the list, click Create new. From the Options window, you can create local keyboard shortcut sets only. You cannot create a keyboard shortcut set on a server, and you can't use one from a server.

If My Computer is selected in Resource Console. Or, from a local project

If a memoQ server is selected in Resource Console

What can you do?

When you finish

To create the keyboard shortcut set: Click OK.

To return to the Resource Console or to the Options window, and not create a keyboard shortcut set: Click Cancel.

Default keyboard shortcuts: A new keyboard shortcut set is set to the default keyboard shortcuts - see the Keyboard shortcuts help topic. You need to edit it if you need different keyboard shortcuts.

To use a keyboard shortcut set: Open the Options window. Choose Keyboard shortcuts. Check the check box of the keyboard shortcut set you want to use.

To use a keyboard shortcut set from a server: You need to download the keyboard shortcut set to your computer to do this. Open the Resource console. Choose Keyboard shortcuts. Select the keyboard shortcut set you want to use. Under the list, click Export. Save the keyboard shortcut set to a file. Close the Resource console. Next, open the Options window. Choose Keyboard shortcuts. Under the list, click Import new. Find and open the file you just saved. After the import is done, click the check box of the "new" keyboard shortcut set. Click OK.