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Customize appearance

You can change the font and the colors that appear in the translation editor and in the Translation results list.

On very large screens, the letters in the translation editor and in the Translation results list may seem too small. On small screens, you may need even smaller letters so that a sensible amount of text fits on the screen.

If someone is visually impaired, they may also need a larger font. Those who have difficulties distinguishing between colors may need a high-contrast or black-and-white setting in the Translation results list.

The Customize appearance window helps you set this up. You can change the font and the color for the Grid, the Translation results list, and for the tracked changes in the text.

How to get here

  1. Open a project. Open a document for translation.
  2. In the translation editor, right-click any segment. Choose Customize appearance.

    Or: In the Translation results pane, right-click the list or the empty space below it. Choose Customize appearance.

    Or: In the Translation results pane, right-click the compare boxes. Choose Customize appearance.

The Customize appearance window appears.

What can you do?

When you finish:

To change the fonts and the colors, and return to the translation editor: Click OK.

To return to the translation editor, and not change the fonts and colors: Click Cancel.

To save the changes to the fonts and colors, but stay in the window, and make more changes: Click Apply.