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Fragment assembly settings

When you have a long source segment, and there is no hit from the translation memories, memoQ can look for smaller parts of this segment in the translation memories and term bases in the project. If there are shorter segments in the translation memories or the term bases (along with their translations), memoQ will look for smaller parts (fragments) of the source segment, and replace these parts with their translations - and offer a suggestion with these parts replaced. This happens automatically: when you move to a segment, and memoQ searches the translation memories and term bases, the “patchwork”, or fragment-assembled suggestions will appear in the Translation results pane.

In the Fragment assembly settings window, you can tell memoQ which resources to use as fragments, and how to put them together.

How to get here

  1. Open a project.
  2. Open the Pre-translate window: On the Preparation ribbon, click Pre-translate. The Pre-translate and statistics window opens.
  3. Check the Perform fragment assembling check box.
  4. Next to the check box, click Settings.

    The Fragment assembly settings window opens.

What can you do?

Choose what memoQ will include in the fragment-assembled suggestions.

Under Matches to include, you can choose to replace terms, non-translatable items, numbers, results of auto-translation rules, and fragments from translation memories and LiveDocs corpora. Normally, memoQ will use all of these to replace parts of the source text. If you do not want to use one or another, clear the check box of one of these items.

Next, choose how much the fragment-assembled match should cover from the source text. Choose one of the radio buttons under Suggest only:

  • Full matches covered by one single hit: The fragment-assembled match must cover the entire source segment, consisting of one single fragment match. Practically, this turns fragment matching off.
  • Full matches covered by several hits: The fragment-assembled match must cover the entire source segment. This means that every word of the source segment must be replaced by something from the resources.
  • Matches with a coverage of at least: Only part of the source text must be replaced. To set how much, choose a percentage in the box next to the radio button. Normally, memoQ offers fragment matches if it can replace more than 50% of the source text.

    You can have fragment-assembled suggestions that does not contain any source text. In this case, text that cannot be replaced will not be there in the suggestion. For this, check the Delete source text without any match check box.

Normally, memoQ adjusts the lowercase/uppercase setting of the terms to the source text that is replaced. To stop this, check the Do not change the case of terms check box. When this is checked, memoQ will keep the lowercase/uppercase setting from the term base.

When you finish

To save the settings, and return to the Pre-translate and statistics window: Click OK.

To return to the Pre-translate and statistics window, without saving the settings: Click Cancel.