This topic is for memoQ 9.0. Have an older version? Click here.

Help us make memoQ better

When you first start memoQ 8.4, we ask if you agree with sending us anonymous data about how you use memoQ. We do this as a part of our Customer Insights Program.

You only see this window once: memoQ remembers your choice and does not ask you again. But you can change this setting any time on the Privacy tab of the Options window.

How to get here

After you upgrade to memoQ 8.4, or you install memoQ 8.4 (or a newer version) on your computer, start memoQ. The Help us make memoQ better window appears.

What can you do?

Learn about what data you would share with us and how we use those data:

Allow or forbid sending us anonymous data about how you use memoQ.

  • To share anonymous usage data with memoQ's designers and developers: Choose the Enable anonymous usage data sharing radio button.
  • To not share any usage data: Choose the Disable anonymous usage data sharing radio button.

When you finish

To close this window and open the Dashboard: Click Continue.