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memoQ archive projects wizard

Use this wizard to archive online projects from a memoQ server.

You can archive an online project if you do not expect more work on it. On the Dashboard, you can do this when you are working with the online projects on a memoQ server.

When you archive an online project, memoQ server will create a copy of the project in a single archive file. The extension of the file is .mqarch.

  • Normally, the archive file is saved on the memoQ server itself, in a pre-set folder. (The server's administrator can set this folder in the Deployment tool.)
  • The archived project is removed from the list of projects.
  • You can view the archived projects, and restore the online projects from them if necessary.
  • You can also save the archived copy to your own computer.

    Automatic archives: memoQ server can archive projects automatically after they are wrapped up, or after all work is done on them. To set this up, open Server administrator, and choose Archiving.

The archive contains everything - documents, resources (translation memories etc.), user and assignment information, settings. These are all restored when you restore an archive on the server. This helps you rebuild the project and the resources if the server was reinstalled, or when you need to move to a new server.

memoQ will not do one thing: When restoring an online project, the record on Language Terminal will not be created again, and the connection will not be restored even if the Language Terminal record is still there.

Do not mix this with backups: You back up local projects - you archive online projects. In addition, the administrator can make a backup of the entire memoQ server from the Deployment tool - but again, that is not the same as archiving projects.

How to get here

  1. On the Dashboard, connect to the memoQ server where the online projects are. You may need to log in to the server.

    Or: Open the Manage projects window. At the top, choose the server. Everything else will be the same as in the Dashboard.

  2. Select one project or a few projects.
  3. On the Project ribbon, click Archive. From the menu, choose Archive Selected Projects.

The memoQ archive projects wizard starts.

What can you do?

  1. Choose where the archive is saved:

    Normally, the archive is saved on memoQ server. (On memoQ server, the actual folder can be configured by an administrator of the server. The administrator uses the Deployment tool for that.)

To save the archive on your own computer: Click A folder on this computer. On the right, click the Browse button. Choose a folder on your computer.

Caution, the archive will not be on the list if you save it on your computer: To restore an archive from your computer, you cannot use the Archived projects list on the Dashboard. Instead, in Windows, you must open the folder where the archive is saved, and double-click its name.

  1. Choose a name for the archive: Put together the name in the Archive file name box. Normally, the archive takes its name from the project name and the current date and time. You can use other placeholders there. To do that, click Insert placeholder.

When you finish

To start archiving the project: Click OK.

memoQ makes the archive in the background. The Task tracker opens automatically: you can follow the process there. In the meantime, you can return to the Dashboard or to the Manage projects window, and continue working.

After the archive is made, you need to refresh the list on the Dashboard or in the Manage projects window. To refresh the list: Next to the server address box, click the Select button.

To return to the Dashboard or to the Manage projects window, without archiving the project: Click Cancel.