This topic is for memoQ 9.0. Have an older version? Click here.

TM-driven segmentation settings

In the TM-driven segmentation settings window, you can fine-tune the automatic joining and splitting of segments that happen when memoQ pre-translates text.

How to get here

  1. Start pre-translating a document (or several documents).
  2. In the Pre-translate and statistics window, check the Automatically join and split segments for best match check box.

    If you cannot see the check box: Click the Scope and lookup tab.

  3. Next to the check box, click Settings.

    The TM-driven segmentation settings window opens.

What can you do?

  1. Prevent segments from fragmentation: Normally, memoQ does not split one or two words from a segment. To set the number of words memoQ can split, change the number in the Minimum segment length after splitting (words) box.
  2. Allow memoQ to join a third segment: To get a better match, memoQ will join two segments and stop there. If the document is too fragmented, you can allow memoQ to join a third one, if it can get a much better match that way. To allow this, check the Attempt to join third segment check box.
  3. If memoQ is allowed to join a third segment: Normally, it will join a third segment if the match is at least 10 percent better than without the joining. To change the improvement condition, change the number in the Minimum match improvement (%) box.

When you finish

To save the settings and return to the Pre-translate and statistics window: Click OK.

To return to the Pre-translate and statistics window without saving the settings: Click Cancel.