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Add users to project

Add users to an online project from the server where the online project is.

Project manager edition only: You can't manage online projects from memoQ translator pro.

Don't add a subvendor here: To send work to a subvendor group, use the Assign command directly.

How to begin

Open an online project for management in memoQ. In the memoQ online project window, choose People. On the Project users tab, click Add user.

What can you do?

When you finish

To add the users, and return to the memoQ online project window: Click OK.

To just return to the memoQ online project window, and not add the users: Click Cancel.

Possible next step: Add target languages and roles for every user. After you add the users, click OK to return to the memoQ online project window. On the People pane, click the Languages and roles tab, and fill in the table.