This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Automatic lookup and insertion

When you translate a segment, memoQ automatically gets matches from translation memories, term bases, and all other resources. In the Automatic lookup and insertion window, you can fine-tune this, or turn it off.

memoQ lists the matches it finds the Translation results pane of the translation editor. You can insert them manually. Or, you can make memoQ insert the best match automatically.

How to get here

Open a document for translation. In the Translation ribbon, click Translation Settings. From the menu, choose Automatic Lookup and Insertion.

What can you do?

Automatic lookup and insertion settings work for all of memoQ: memoQ uses the same settings in every project and in every document. If you need to change these options, open any document from any project, and change the settings in the Automatic lookup and insertionwindow.

When you finish

Click OK to change the settings for automatic lookup and insertion.

To return to your translation without changing the settings: Click Cancel.