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Customize tag shortcuts

You can insert new inline tags in the translation. These are not copied from the source text. If you need to insert a tag many times, you can use the keyboard to do it.

In this window, you can set up the keys to insert custom inline tags.

Tag shortcuts are part of a keyboard shortcut set: The tag shortcuts are saved together with a keyboard shortcut set. To make them work, select the keyboard shortcut set in Options / Keyboard shortcuts.

How to get here

  1. On the Quick access toolbar (in the top left corner of the memoQ window), click Options .
  2. In the Options window, choose Keyboard shortcuts. In the list, select a keyboard shortcut set. Click Edit. The Customize memoQ shortcuts window appears.

    Can't edit the Default shortcut set: If the list has the Default shortcut set only: Select it, and click Clone. Clone it or create a new one before editing. The Clone keyboard shortcut set into a new resource window appears. Type a name for the new shortcut set. Click OK. In the Keyboard shortcuts list, select the new shortcut set. Click Edit.

  3. At the bottom of the Customize memoQ shortcuts window, click Inline tags. The Customize tag shortcuts window appears.

(Normally, the window is empty. The screenshot contains an example.)

What can you do?

When you finish

To save the changes to the shortcuts, and return to the Customize memoQ shortcuts window: Click Save.

To return to the Customize memoQ shortcuts window, and not save the new shortcuts: Click Close.

Don't forget to activate the new shortcuts: After you save the tag shortcuts, save the shortcut set from the Customize memoQ shortcuts window, too. Then the Options window returns. In the Keyboard shortcuts pane, check the check box of the shortcut set you just customized. The new shortcuts will work all over memoQ, in every project.