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Edit stop word list

When you extract terms from text, there are words that do not usually occur at the beginning, at the end, or inside a term. If an expression begins with, ends in, or contains one of these words, it must not be listed as a term candidate.

These words are called stop words.

In the Edit stop word list window, you can edit a stop word list that is used in term extraction.

You can also edit the stop word list when you set up term extraction: This window is the same as the lower part of the Extract candidates window.

To learn more about term extraction: See the documentation about extracting term candidates.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose Stop word lists. In the list, click the stop word list you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit. The Edit stop word list window opens.

What can you do?

The Edit stop word list window displays the stop words from the list. For each stop word, there are three options: you can exclude words from the beginning, the end, or from the inside of an expression.

Caution: The stop word list in the screenshot is an example. By default, memoQ may contain different stop word lists. It is also possible that there is no default stop word list for your source language.

To add a new stop word to the list: In the Word box at the bottom, type the word (it must be one word only). Click Add.

Normally, memoQ adds the word to the list with all check boxes checked (Blocks inside, Blocks as first, and Blocks as last). After you add a word, you may want to clear one or more of these check boxes - if the word may still occur inside, at the beginning, or at the end of a term:

  • Blocks inside: Clear this check box if the word may occur inside a term.
  • Blocks as first: Clear this check box if the word may occur at the beginning of a term.
  • Blocks as last: Clear this check box if the word may occur at the end of a term.

    To remove a stop word from the list: In the list, click the word. Delete selected.

    You can't edit stop words that are already on the list. To change a stop word, delete it, then add it again.

When you finish

To save the changes, and return to Resource Console: Click OK.

To return to Resource Console: Click Cancel.