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Edit a translation memory

The Translation memory editor allows you to edit a translation memory directly. You can see the list of translation units, filter them, and edit each translation unit.

You can edit individual translation units directly without the translation memory editor: When you work on a translation, you have translation memory matches in the Translation results pane. Right-click a translation memory match, and choose View/Edit. The translation unit appears in the View or edit TM entry window.

Only one can edit a translation memory at a time: You can edit an online translation memory (coming from a memoQ server) if you have sufficient permissions. But only one user can edit a translation memory at a time. Editing an online translation memory may be slow, depending on the network connection and the workload of the memoQ server.

Translation memory editor is a tab, but doesn't belong to the project: The translation memory editor opens in a new tab in the main memoQ window. But it doesn't close when you close the project you're working on. You need to close it separately.

How to get here

From a project:

  1. Open a project.
  2. In Project home, click Translation memories. The Translation memories pane appears, with the list of translation memories available to you in the project.
  3. Right-click the name of the translation memory. In the menu, click Edit.
  4. The Filtering and sorting window appears. Normally, you would just click OK here. But if you need specific translation units - containing certain terms or added before or after a date -, fill in the conditions, and then click OK. If you click Cancel, memoQ returns to Project home.

    From the Resource console:

  5. Open the Resource console.
  6. Click Translation memories. The Translation memories pane appears, with the list of term bases.
  7. Right-click the name of the translation memory. In the menu, click Edit.
  8. The Filtering and sorting window appears. Normally, you would just click OK here. But if you need specific translation units - containing certain terms or added before or after a date -, fill in the conditions, and then click OK. If you click Cancel, memoQ returns to the Resource Console.

What can you do?

Changes are not saved automatically: When you make changes to the translation memory, you need to save them. This is different from everywhere else in memoQ. To save changes: On the Translation memory editor ribbon, click Save changes.

When you finish

Don't forget to save: After you make changes, save them. On the Translation memory editor ribbon, click Save changes. Or, press Ctrl+S.

To close the translation memory editor: Click the button on the tab at the top. Or, press Ctrl+F4.

To switch to a document tab or to Project home, leaving the translation memory editor open: Click any other tab. Or, press Ctrl+Tab several times until you get where you want.