This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Extract terms

memoQ can extract possible terms from documents, translation memories, and LiveDocs corpora.

You may need this when you prepare a project for translation, or when you need to build a term base as part of a project.

In this window, you can return to an earlier list of candidates (that you already have in your project). Or, you can start a new round of term extraction in the project.

This window won't open if you haven't run term extraction in your project yet.

You need a local project or a checked-out copy of an online project to run term extraction.

How to get here

  1. Open a local project, or a checked-out copy of an online project.
  2. If the project has more than one target language, choose one from the Target language dropdown at the top right. If All languages is selected, the Extract Terms icon is not active.
  3. On the Preparation ribbon, click the Extract Terms icon. If you ran term extraction before in this project: The Extract terms window opens.

    If there are no previous term extraction sessions: The Extract candidates window opens, and you can't open this window.

    Or: On the Preparation ribbon, click the label below the Extract Terms icon. From the menu, choose Term Extraction Sessions. If you haven't run term extraction in the project yet, this command will be gray.

What can you do?

When you finish

After you choose an existing term extraction session, or you start a new one, the Extract terms window closes automatically.

To return to Project home or to the translation editor, and not open a term extraction session: Click Cancel.