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Filter for duplicates (term base)

You can clean your term base from duplicate entries. It's easy to generate duplicates in a term base. You may end up with a lot of them if you do one of these:

  1. Import entries from a file;
  2. Add terms to the term base from the translation editor using the Quick add term command (Ctrl+Q).

In the Filter for duplicates window, you can start looking for the duplicates in your term base. You can run this on one term base at a time.

You can choose what counts as a duplicate; if lower- or uppercase, punctuation and spaces make a difference; and what should happen to duplicates when they are found.

In the end, memoQ gives you groups of entries. Entries in the same group are duplicates of each other in a way or another - according to the condition you set up in the Filter for duplicates window.

How to get here

  1. Start editing a term base.
  2. On the Term base editor ribbon, click Show Duplicates.

    The Filter for duplicates window appears.

What can you do?

When you finish

To look for all the duplicates, and return to the term base editor: Click OK.

To return to the term base editor, and not look for the duplicates: Click Cancel.

After memoQ finds the duplicates, it displays a special list that contains the groups of duplicates, and not the individual entries.

To learn more: See the documentation about the term base editor.