This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Notes (and discussions)

When you are translating a document, you can add comments to a segment, part of a segment, or to the entire document.

When you work on an online project - on the checkout of an online project -, you can also start a discussion about the segment, part of a segment, or about the entire document.

How to get here

To add a comment to a document, or to start a discussion about it:

  1. Open a project.

    To start a discussion: Open the local checkout of an online project.

  2. In Project home, choose Translations.
  3. Find the document that you need to comment. Next to the name of the document, double-click the Notes icon.

    The Notes window opens.

To add a comment to a segment or part of a segment, or start a discussion about it:

  1. Open a project.

    To start a discussion: Open the local checkout of an online project.

  2. Open a document for translation.
  3. Select the segment - or part of the segment - that you need to comment.
  4. In the status box to the right of the segment, double-click the Notes icon.

    On the ribbon: On the Review or the Quick access ribbon, click Comments.

Keyboard: Press Ctrl+M.

When there is already a comment: The Notes icon is orange: . Double-click it to change the existing comment.

The Notes window opens.

When there are no notes yet

When there are notes already

What can you do?

When you finish

To save changes and return to the translation editor or to Project home: Click OK.

To just return to the translation editor or to Project home: Click Cancel.

Most changes are always saved: When you click Cancel, memoQ will still save the changes to discussions. Or, if you make a change to a note, and click Apply, those changes will also be saved, even if you click Cancel afterwards.