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Options: Advanced lookup settings

These settings control how memoQ offers suggestions for parts of a segment. When there is no match for the entire source segment - not even a remotely similar one -, memoQ will find some parts of it in the translation memories and in the term bases.

When part of a segment is there in a translation memory - or in a LiveDocs corpus - more than once, memoQ offers that part as a suggestion. If that part is also just a part of another translation memory unit, memoQ will show it in the Concordance window. However, if that part matches an entire unit from the translation memory, memoQ will offer the translation to replace part of the source segment, similarly to term base hits. This is called subsegment leverage or automatic concordance or longest substring concordance (LSC). Longest because memoQ will offer the longest matching unit from the translation memories.

When memoQ finds several parts - fragments - of the source segment in translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, and in term bases, it will replace those fragments with the translations it finds in these resources. The result is a fragment-assembled match, where some parts are replaced with translations, and the rest is kept from the source text.

These two mechanisms offer two types of suggestions: automatic concordance matches and fragment-assembled matches. Normally, automatic concordance matches show up in orange, and fragment-assembled matches appear in purple. To learn more about the types of matches, see Help about the Translation results pane.

How to get here

  1. Open the Options window: At the very top of the memoQ window - in the Quick Access toolbar -, click the Options (cogwheels) icon. The Options window opens.
  2. Under Category, click Advanced lookup settings. The Advanced lookup settings pane appears.

What can you do?

Do not change the defaults unless you are entirely certain that you will get better suggestions as a result. If you just tamper with these settings, you may lose productivity. To learn more about these types of suggestions, see Help about the Translation results pane.

When you finish

To save the settings and return to memoQ: Click OK.

To save the settings and remain in the Options window: Click Apply.

To return to memoQ without making changes: Click Cancel.