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PM dashboard: Alerts

Alerts draw your attention to projects where you have tasks to do as a project manager. You get an alert when a deadline is missed, or when a project isn't launched. But there's an alert when a project is completed and you need to export the translations.

On the Dashboard, the Alerts pane finds the problem projects for you. You don't need to open every one of them regularly. This saves a lot of time.

To learn where to go from the Dashboard: See the main topic.

This is the project management dashboard: You see this Help page because you come from the project manager edition of memoQ. If you need the page about the translator's version, click here.

Alerts work for online projects only: If you're viewing the list of projects from My Computer, you won't get alerts.

How to get here

The Alerts pane doesn't appear automatically. To display it: Click the Alerts button above the list.

Selected projects only: memoQ lists the alerts for the selected projects only. If no projects are selected, memoQ shows the Alert summary for all projects on the list.

Alerts for one project

Alerts for all selected projects

What can you do?