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Term base CSV import settings

memoQ can import tabular text files – tab-separated or CSV files - into term bases. These files contain rows and columns, but the columns are not always the same as the fields in a memoQ term base.

Most of the time, the file you import does not have all the columns that memoQ would expect.

Sometimes the columns have names, and sometimes they do not. In the Term base CSV import settings window, memoQ gives you means to convert the columns to term base fields, no matter whether they have names or not.

If you import a text file, even the character encoding can be a question. The Term base CSV import settings window offers a preview where you can check if every character appears as it should.

Do not import Excel files here, memoQ can import Excel directly: To import an Excel sheet into a memoQ term base, you do not need to save the Excel file into a plain-text one. You can import them directly. To learn more: See Help about the Term base Excel import settings window.

How to get here

  1. Open a project. In Project home, choose Term bases.

    From the Resource console: Open the Resource console. Choose Term bases.

    From an online project: As a project manager, you can open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Term bases.

  2. If you need the terms in a new term base, create a term base first.
  3. Right-click the name of the term base you need to import the terms into. From the menu, choose Import Terminology.
  4. An Open window appears. Find the file you need to import. Click Open.

    If the file is a plain-text file (alone, or zipped together with images), the Term base CSV import settings window opens.

What can you do?

If some entries need to be updated, not added: You can do this if the text file comes from memoQ originally, and it still has the identifiers of the entries. If the same entry is still there, but it was edited, memoQ can update it. To do this, check the Update existing entries based on ID check box.

When you finish

To import the text file in the term base, and return to Project home or to the Resource console: Click OK.

To return to Project home or to the Resource console, without importing entries: Click Cancel.

Term base may have duplicate entries after the import: To get rid of duplicate entries, open the term base for editing. In the term base editor, filter the term base for duplicates. To learn more: See Help about the term base editor.