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A LiveDocs corpus is one of the many resource types you can use in memoQ. A LiveDocs corpus can contain the following things:

  • Monolingual documents. This is the Library™ technology. Add monolingual documents in your target languages, and use Concordance to check your solutions.
  • Bilingual documents translated with memoQ through the ActiveTM™ technology. As you translate, memoQ gives you matches from these documents the same way as it does from translation memories.
  • Original documents and their translations through the LiveAlign™ technology. memoQ does the alignment for you and retrieves translation results the same way as it does from translation memories. If the alignment is incorrect, you can edit the links and memoQ will realign the document pair according to your corrections.
  • Binary reference material through the EZAttach™ technology. If you double-click on these files, memoQ opens them in the appropriate viewer.

    A single LiveDocs corpus can contain all these document types.

Here is a list of memoQ's LiveDocs features, as described in further sections of this topic:

  • You can set up and access local and online LiveDocs corpora: see Local and online LiveDocs.
  • You can specify and store settings for each LiveDocs corpus: LiveDocs settings.
  • You can look up specific words or sequences of words directly in the active LiveDocs corpus: Concordance.
  • You can review and edit documents in the LiveDocs corpora: see the LiveDocs editor.

    Apart from these actions, you can handle a LiveDocs corpus the same way as any other resource type. See Resources for information on features that are not resource-specific.


ActiveTM allows you to use bilingual documents as if they were translation memories. To use a bilingual document as ActiveTM, you need to add the document to a LiveDocs corpus on the LiveDocs pane of Project home.

Use ActiveTM extensively if you have a smaller number of relatively frequently changing documents where there are omissions, too. ActiveTM prevents the pollution of translation memories with possible questionable content. Once you finish a project, you can also move your translated documents into a LiveDocs corpus by clicking Add to LiveDocs on the Translations pane of Project home.

ActiveTM bilingual documents can be imported on the LiveDocs pane of Project home by clicking Add document or Import. ActiveTM documents are available immediately after import for use in matching. You can edit an ActiveTM document by clicking View/Edit on the LiveDocs ribbon tab or by right-clicking the match in the Translation results pane.


With EZAttach you can store third-party file formats in your LiveDocs corpora. These documents can be reference material such as PDF files, drawings, executable software, etc. They are packaged into projects and with EZAttach, it's easy to send a file to a translator without having to leave memoQ.

You can add EZAttach files to LiveDocs corpora by clicking Import Documents on the LiveDocs ribbon. Find the binary file. You may need to select All files in the file extension drop-down list to display the file you want to import. Click Open, the Document import options window opens.

memoQ automatically chooses the Import as is (Binary) filter. Click OK to import the file. When you double-click the name of an EZAttach file in the corpus, it opens in the relevant viewer.


The LiveAlign™ technology is a revolution in the process called alignment. Alignment traditionally refers to taking two equivalent documents in two languages and establishing the links between the sentences to be able to build a translation memory. This is how translations not prepared in a translation tool become an asset in the process.

Alignment only exists because other technologies need it. memoQ's revolutionary LiveAlign technology cuts the need for previous alignment and eliminates the disadvantages of traditional alignment such as:

  • Having to align before being able to translate.
  • Having to store the alignment results in a translation memory, making it impossible to correct the links later.
  • Not being able to establish whether it's worth aligning, i.e. how many segments will the translatable material and the alignment material have in common.

    LiveAlign shifts the alignment process into the translation process and enables you to get results even if you don't do manual alignment. With LiveAlign you can immediately reuse the correctly aligned segments in your translation, and if the alignment is not correct, you can fix it on the fly. This way your LiveAlign document pairs will become better and better, and you don't spend time aligning segments you will not use again.

LiveAlign document pairs can be imported on the LiveDocs pane of Project home, by clicking Add alignment pairs, and Link documents. LiveAlign document pairs are immediately used for matching after import. You can edit the document pair by clicking View/Edit on the LiveDocs ribbon tab or by right-clicking a LiveAlign match in the Translation results pane.


The Library™ technology allows you to store monolingual documents in a LiveDocs corpus. These documents help you in finding the right terminology without having to leave the application to search for additional material.

To use a document as Library™ document, you need to add the document to a LiveDocs corpus on the LiveDocs pane of Project home.

Library™ documents can be imported on the LiveDocs ribbon tab of Project home, by clicking Import, Import with Options, or Import Folder Structure. Library™ documents are immediately used for matching and concordance after import. You can edit the document by clicking View/Edit on the LiveDocs ribbon tab or by right-clicking the match in the Translation results pane.

Local and online LiveDocs

Depending on their physical location, memoQ recognizes two types of LiveDocs:

  • A local LiveDocs corpus is physically present on your computer. You can add it to your projects by clicking Register local in the Resource console. Or, if a local LiveDocs corpus is already registered, by clicking Use In Project on the LiveDocs ribbon tab of Project home.
  • An online LiveDocs corpus is located in a remote computer and can be accessed through the Internet or the local network. When you check out an online project, the relevant LiveDocs are also included so you do not have to deal with them separately. However, online projects are available for you only when you are online, and this is also true for the LiveDocs involved. Team members can contribute to LiveDocs corpora by adding new documents or realigning or editing segments and the way these new entries are handled depends on the settings specified by the project manager. You can add online LiveDocs to your project by selecting a memoQ server in the Server URL box on the Project ribbon tab, then go to the LiveDocs ribbon tab of Project home. Check the check box next to the name of an online corpus to add this corpus to your project.