This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

About memoQ

memoQ is a translation environment that helps translators, translation companies, and other organizations that are active in translation – such as non-profit organizations or translation departments of various companies.

To learn more, visit

How to get here

On the ribbon, click the memoQ tab. The My memoQ page appears. Choose Help. Click About memoQ.

Third-Party Software

ADO.NET provider for SQLite:


Aspose.Total for .NET. 17.1.0. © Aspose 2002-2017. All Rights Reserved.

DevExpress 14.1.7

Genuine Channels by Genrix Software, Inc. © 2002–2006 Genrix Software, Inc. –

Hunspell Spelling Checker

IBM ICU (International Components for Unicode)



Unity 4.0.1

memoQ prefers Hunspell as the alternative spelling checker. Installed as separate program.
© 2003–2008 László Németh; Foundation. Licensed under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license.

Json.NET by James Newton-King ©2007

The MIT License (MIT), by James Newton-King ©2007

Language detection uses word lists for a couple of languages. These lists have been downloaded from here: by Hermit Dave (ShareAlike 3.0) © 2011-2013

MagicLibrary 1.7.4 by Crownwood Software Ltd, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK –

SharpZipLib 0.83.1 by Mike Krueger © 2001 –

xPDF © 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC.

memoQ uses pdftotext to extract plain text from PDF documents.
pdftotext is part of the xPDF tool set. Installed as a separate program.
Licensed under GPL 2.0.

MVVM Light Toolkit, v4.1.24.0. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Laurent Bugnion.

Copyright © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the Reactive Extensions EULA.

WPF Toolkit 3.5.50211.1. Written by JenniLe Shimmy. Copyright © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the Reactive Extensions EULA.

Extended WPF Toolkit Community Edition by Xceed Software Inc / Microsoft 2006-2014

Stop word lists: Reused and modified the ‘stop-words’ resource from the github page of Alireza Savand (, and the stop word lists created by Kevin Lossner ( Original github resources: Licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Copyright Notice

Microsoft, Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Trados is a registered trademark of SDL International in the United States and/or other countries.