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Useful SQL commands to use with memoQ Server

These commands can help you resolve issues with the SQL Server database that runs under memoQ server.

To use these commands, open the sqlcmd program. This is the SQL Server command line, which will be on the server computer if SQL Server is installed.

If SQL Server is on a different computer than memoQ server: It is recommended that you log on to the SQL server (rather than to the memoQ server) computer through Remote Desktop, and run the commands there.

Do not make changes to your system unless you know exactly what you are doing, and everything written here is clear to you.

Use these commands entirely at your own risk: memoQ Ltd. takes no responsibility for damages that occur when you use these commands. They are extremely dangerous in inexperienced hands. Also make sure to back up the database before you make any changes. It is also highly recommended that you take at least a crash course in SQL Server administration before you proceed.