This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Manage topics

On the Discussions home tab, all topics are displayed. Here you can manage topics and change the status for a topic. If you have many topics, scroll down the page.

Topic participants are memoQ users who have any of the following relations to a topic:

  • the topic creator,
  • the user who has been or is currently assigned to the topic,
  • a user who added at least one note to the topic,

    topic participants get notified in an email when an event is logged in the Change history.


Topics have a different background color depending on their status:

  • red background color: Topic status is Open.
  • green background color: Topic status is set to Resolved.
  • gray background color: Topic status is set to Closed.

    Note: When the topic is made sticky, then the background color is disregarded.

In the Change status drop-down list, you can choose from the following options:

  • Move: You can move a topic to another forum. You can choose from the Move topics to forum drop-down list to which forum you want to move this topic to. Then click Move. The topic will be moved to the indicated forum.
  • Delete: Use this option to delete a topic.
  • Assign to: You can assign a topic to a user.

    Check the check box of a topic on the Discussions home tab. Then choose a status from the drop-down list, and click OK. Depending on your selection, you are directed to further options to choose, e.g. to select a forum where to move a topic to.