Keyboard shortcuts
This page lists the default keyboard shortcuts in memoQ.
Information on this page is valid only when you use the default keyboard shortcuts.
- To change the default keyboard shortcuts: See the page about editing keyboard shortcuts or choosing another keyboard shortcut set. Remember that some shortcuts from the list below will not work if you change the default shortcuts set.
- To print a cheat sheet of the active shortcuts: Open the Customize memoQ shortcuts window. At the bottom, click Save cheat sheet. memoQ saves an HTML page that you can print or read in a browser.

To learn more: See the page about the translation editor.
Advanced find and replace: Ctrl+F, Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H, Ctrl+H (press twice)
Close Active Document (without opening another one): Ctrl+F4
Copy (copy text to the clipboard without cutting it): Ctrl+C
Confirm (store the source segment and the target segment in the primary translation memory (if there's any), and set the segment's status to confirmed): Ctrl+Enter
Confirm and Update Rows (invoke the Confirm and update rows dialog).: Ctrl+Shift+U
Confirm Without Update (without storing the source segment and the target segment in the primary translation memory): Ctrl+Shift+R
Copy Selection To Target: Ctrl+Shift+T
Copy Source To Target: Ctrl+Shift+S
Cut: Ctrl+X or Shift+Del.
Delete To End Of Segment: Ctrl+Del
Directly edit the resource entry highlighted in the Translation results pane: Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Display All Hits/Display Filtered Hits (switch between full and filtered lists in the Translation results pane of the translation editor): Ctrl+Shift+D
Edit Source: F2
Edit Warnings (invoke a pop-up window where you can see the list of warnings belonging to the segment and set them to ignore): Ctrl+W
Filter for Selected Text / Clear Text Filter: Ctrl+Shift+F
Find... (open the Quick find window): Ctrl+F
Go to Next (go through the segment types you specify under Go to Next Settings): Ctrl+G
Go to Next Settings (invoke the Go to Next Segment dialog and specify the segment types to jump to when pressing Ctrl+G): Ctrl+Shift+G
Insert Assembled Hit: F4
Insert Current Hit: Ctrl+Space
Insert En Dash: Ctrl+-
Insert Non-breaking Space: Ctrl+Shift+E
Insert Symbol: Ctrl+Shift+I
Insert the target alternative of the hit corresponding to the number on the Translation results pane into the current target segment of the translation (can be used only for the first 9 hits): Ctrl+[number]
Join Segments: Ctrl+J
Lock Special... (set the status of segments of the selected type to locked): Ctrl+Alt+L
Lock/Unlock Segments: Ctrl+Shift+L
Lock/Unlock Several Segments At Once: Ctrl+L
Look Up Term (invoke the Look up term dialog): Ctrl+P
Mark selected text: Ctrl+Shift+M
Move down in the Translation results pane: Ctrl+Down arrow
Move up in the Translation results pane: Ctrl+Up arrow
Move selected text left by one word: Ctrl+Shift+B
Move selected text right by one word: Ctrl+Shift+N
Navigate down: Down arrow
Navigate down by one view: Page Down
Navigate through the open tabs: Ctrl+Tab
Navigate up: Up arrow
Navigate up in the Translation results pane: Ctrl+Up arrow
Navigate up by one view: Page Up
Overwrite the target side of the current segment in the translation grid with the target text displayed in the target text field of the Concordance dialog: Alt+I
Paste: Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
Redo: Ctrl+Y
Reject: Shift+Enter
Replace...(opens Quick find with the replace options): Ctrl+H
Revert To Earlier Version: Ctrl+Shift+E
Scan Segment (if Automatically scan segments is not enabled in the Automatic lookup and insertion dialog): F3
Search For Selection Fragment: F6
Search Fragment From Cursor: F5
Select All Text: Ctrl+A
Select All Segments (both on the source and the target side): Ctrl+Shift+A
Show the translation editor in the classic layout, with the Translation results pane on the right: Ctrl+Alt+1
Show the translation editor with the Translation results pane on top: Ctrl+Alt+2
Spelling (invoke the Spelling dialog): F7
Split Segment: Ctrl+T
Switch from the source side to the target side and vice versa: Tab
Switch To Next Layout (toggle between the Default layout and Results On Top layout of the translation editor): F11
Toggle Text Marking Mode: Ctrl+Shift+M
Undo: Ctrl+Z
Unlock Special...(unlock segments of the selected types): Ctrl+Alt+U
View/Edit Current Hit: Ctrl+Alt+Enter

These shortcuts work mainly in the translation editor.
Bold text (set a selected part of the text bold or – if it is already bold – to remove the bold formatting): Ctrl+B
Edit Source: F2
Insert tag: F9
If you select text before pressing F9, memoQ overwrites selected text with a tag.
Format subscript: Ctrl+Shift++
Format superscript: Ctrl++
Insert All Tags: Alt+F8
Italics (set a selected part of the text italic or – if it is already italic – to remove the italic formatting): Ctrl+I
Remove All Tags: Ctrl+F8
Tag Insertion: F6
Toggle Case (toggle between first cap, all caps and small cap mode for the selected part of the target segment): Shift+F3
Underline (set a selected part of the text underlined or – if it is already underlined – remove the underline formatting): Ctrl+U

Open the Concordance window from the translation editor: Ctrl+K
Insert Selected Text in the current target cell in the translation editor: Alt+S

To learn more: See the page about resolving errors and warnings.
Move To Previous Item: Ctrl+Up
Move To Next Item: Ctrl+Down
Ignore And Move To Next: Ctrl+Space
Apply automatic corrections: Ctrl+Shift+E
Ignore All Warnings Of This Kind: Ctrl+Shift+I

To learn more: See the page about the Find and replace window.
To start finding text: Ctrl+F
To start replacing text: Ctrl+H
Move To Previous Item: Ctrl+Up
Move To Next Item: Ctrl+Down
Replace: Ctrl+Space

To learn more: See the page about the alignment editor.
Create Cross Link (link two segments in different grid rows): Ctrl+O
Confirm All Auto Links (confirm all segment links automatically created by memoQ's alignment function): Ctrl+Shift+C
Mark As Insertion (tell memoQ's alignment function to stop looking for a corresponding pair for the segment in question): Ctrl+Shift+I
Remove Link or Insertion (remove a link between two segments or an insertion): Ctrl+R
Run Aligner (have memoQ process the document pair again): Ctrl+Shift+R

To learn more: See the page about the term base editor.
Add Term (add a new variant to the highlighted entry in the term base): Ctrl+A
Create Term Base Entry (open the Add new term window): Ctrl+E
Quick Create Term Base Entry (without entering additional information): Ctrl+Q
Delete Selected TB Entries: Ctrl+D
New TB Entry: Ctrl+N
Merge/Commit Current: Ctrl+Enter
Merge/Commit All: Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Mark For Merge: Ctrl+Alt+Space
Mark For Deletion: Ctrl+Shift+D
Mark To Skip: Ctrl+Shift+S
If you have several term bases attached to your project which are ranked, you can use a shortcut to do the same as Ctrl+Q, but instead of whatever is the current target term base, the term will be added to the term base ranked 1-9, for example: Add Term To Term Base Ranked 3 will add the term to the term base ranked third in Project home > Term bases.

To learn more: See the page about the candidate list editor.
Accept As Term: Ctrl+Enter
Drop Term: Ctrl+D
Select All Rows: Ctrl+Shift+A
Toggle Hits And Term Base: Ctrl+G
Unmerge Candidate: Ctrl+T
Prefix Merge & Hide: Ctrl+M
Hide/Unhide Shorter: Ctrl+L
Add As Stopword: Ctrl+W
Select All Text: Ctrl+A

To learn more: See the page about the translation memory editor.
New TM Entry: Ctrl+N
Delete Selected TM Entries: Ctrl+D
Filter for Selected Text / Clear Text Filter: Ctrl+Shift+F
Flag TM Entry: Ctrl+M
Jump to Next Flagged: Ctrl+G
Merge current: Ctrl+Enter
Merge selection: Ctrl+Shift+R
Mark as master: Ctrl+Space
Mark for merge: Ctrl+Alt+Space
Mark for deletion: Ctrl+Shift+D
Mark to skip: Ctrl+Shift+S
Save Changes: Ctrl+S

Save All (save everything that was not saved in the last five seconds): Ctrl+S
Open the memoQ TM Search tool: Ctrl+Shift+Q
In the memoQ TM Search tool, copies target to clipboard: Ctrl+Alt+C
In the memoQ TM Search tool, copies source to clipboard: Ctrl+Shift+C
Hide or expand the ribbons: Ctrl+F1
Using the numeric keypad? You need to switch off NumLock for shortcuts with the Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Up, or Down key.