Project home - Settings - Export path rules
An export path rule tells memoQ where it must export finished translation. The rule defines a folder and a document name: When you use the Export (stored path) command, memoQ saves the finished translation to this folder and under that name.
There are two types of export path rules:
- A file rule sets the folder and the name of documents that were originally imported separately, by selecting files. This is what happens usually.
- A folder rule sets the folder and name for documents that were originally imported as part of whole folder structures, using the Import folder structure command.
In a project, you can have exactly one file rule and exactly one folder rule. They must be edited separately.
The default export path rules use these paths and names:
- A file rule saves the translated documents to the same folder where they were imported from. The name of the document will be the same, too, except that memoQ adds the three-letter code of the target language to the end.
- A folder rule creates another main folder. The name of the folder will be the same, except that memoQ adds the three-letter code of the target language to it. Inside the main folder, all folders and documents will be called the same.
If you want this differently, you must edit the export path rule to set up the pattern for folder and the document names.
Choose export path rules before you import documents: When memoQ imports a document, it uses the export path rule that is already in the project. If you change the export path rule, it will apply to documents that you import after the change. To change the export path of existing documents, use the Change export path command.
How to get here
- From the Dashboard, create or open a project. Or, check out a project from a memoQ server.
- Under Project home, click Settings. The Settings pane appears, with the General tab.
- Click the Export path rules icon. It looks like this:
The Export path rules tab appears.
What can you do?

- In the list of export path rules, select the one you need to copy.
Mind the type of the rule: Always check the type of the rule in the Rule type column. File rules work when you import documents through the Import or Import with options command. Folder rules work when you import documents through the Import folder structure command. (You find these commands in the Translations pane.)
- Under the list of export path rules, click Clone/use new.
- The Clone export path rule into a new resource window opens. It's the same as the Create new export path rule window.
- Type a name for the export path rule. You may also type a description.
To learn more: See Help about the Create new export path rule window.
- Click OK.
The export path rule appears in the list at the top. Its check mark will be checked - it will be ready to use in the project.

To use an export path rule, you need to add it to the project before you import documents. A project has exactly two export path rules: one file rule for importing individual documents, and one folder rule for importing folders and subfolders.
Mind the type of the rule: Always check the type of the rule in the Rule type column. File rules work when you import documents through the Import or Import with options command. Folder rules work when you import documents through the Import folder structure command. (You find these commands in the Translations pane.)
If you do not make a change, memoQ will always use the Default export path rule for the project. To use another:
- In the list of export path rules, find the export path rule you need.
- Click its check box on the left.
The export path rule moves to the top of the list. The check box of the previous one will be cleared.
To change the export path of documents already in the project: Go to the Translations pane. Select the documents that need a different export path. On the Documents ribbon, click the bottom of the Export icon. In the menu, choose Change export path. The Change export path window opens.

Normally, memoQ will take export path rules from your own computer. However, you can use online export path rules from memoQ servers that you have access to.
To view the export path rules from a memoQ server or from a memoQ cloud:
- On the Project ribbon, there is a memoQ server icon, or a memoQ server dropdown. Click the icon or dropdown.
- memoQ will show the export path rules from that server.
You must have permission for the export path rules: It is not enough to have access to the memoQ server. To use an export path rule, you need at least Use permission over the export path rule itself. If you are not sure, contact the owner of the memoQ server.
- To use an export path rule from a memoQ server, simply check its check box.
Type or choose the address of the memoQ TMS, and click the Select button.
You may need to log in to the memoQ TMS: If you have not used the server before, the Log in to server window opens. Type your user name and password for that server, and click OK.

If there are too many export path rules on the list, you can filter it. At the top of the Export path rules tab, there is a Name/description box.
Type a word or two in the Name/description box. It will narrow the list immediately to those export path rules that have those words in their names or descriptions.
To sort the list by a detail: Click the header of the column you need. For example, to sort the list by name, click the Name header at the top of the list.

You can export an export path rule into an .mqres file. An .mqres file is an XML file where memoQ saves resources like export path rules, QA profiles, TM settings etc. These are called light resources because they don't contain a large amount of linguistic data.
To export an export path rule:
- In the list, select the export path rule you need to export.
- Under the list, click Export. A Save As window opens.
Or: Right-click the export path rule. From the menu, choose Export.
- Find a folder and a name for the file, and click Save. memoQ will export all details from the export path rule in the file.
You can also import an export path rule from a .mqres file. When you import an .mqres file, memoQ will always create a new export path rule.
Because memoQ saves all kinds of resources in .mqres files, you need to make sure that your .mqres file contains an export path rule.
To import an export path rule from an .mqres file:
- At the bottom of the export path rules tab, click Import new. An Open window appears.
- Select the .mqres file. Click Open.
- The Import new export path rule window opens. It's the same as the Create new export path rule window.
- memoQ will pick up the name of the export path rule from the .mqres file. However, you can give it a new name, and type a new description, too.
- Click OK.
To learn more: See Help about the Create new export path rule window.

- In the list of export path rules, select the one you need to edit.
Mind the type of the rule: Always check the type of the rule in the Rule type column. File rules work when you import documents through the Importor Import with options command. Folder rules work when you import documents through the Import folder structure command. (You find these commands in the Translations pane.)
- Under the list of export path rules, click Edit.
- The Edit export path rule window opens.
- Change the export path rules as necessary.
To learn more: See Help about the Edit export path rule window.
Cannot edit the default rule set: You can't edit the Default export path rule. If you need a resource that you can edit, clone the Default rule set first.

- In the list, select the export path rule.
- Below the list, click Properties.
- The Resource properties window opens. It's the same as the Create new export path rule window.
- If necessary, change the name or the description of the resource. Click OK.
To learn more: See Help about the Create new export path rule window.
When you finish
Your changes are saved automatically.
On the Settings pane, choose another tab.
Or, choose another pane in Project home.
Or, return to your work: Click a document tab at the top of the memoQ window (in the same row as the Project home tab). In most cases, you will return to the translation editor.
Project managers, you can switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.