Ribbons - Term base editor
The Term base editor ribbon appears when you are editing a term base.
To learn more: See Help about the term base editor.
Normal edit mode
Removing duplicates

Import: Imports the contents of a CSV file, a TBX file, a TMX file, or an Excel file into the term base. Opens the import settings window for the format of the file. (Click the name of the format.)
Export: Exports the contents of the term base into a CSV (comma-separated values) file or into a MultiTerm XML file. Opens the Term base export settings window.

Properties: Displays the properties of the term base, and allows you edit them.
Tidy Up View: Clears the selection and the entry form at the bottom. As a result, no term base entry will be selected.

Approve Current Entry: If you are editing a moderated term base, sets the status of the current entry to "approved". This means that the entry will become visible to all users, not only to terminologists and project managers.
Show Entry History: If you are editing a moderated term base, displays the change history for the current entry in a separate pane. This makes it easier to decide whether or not to approve the entry.
Online term bases only: Moderated term bases are always online term bases on memoQ servers. This does not work if you are editing a local term base. Neither does this work for QTerm term bases.

Remove Duplicates: Finds the duplicate entries in the term base, and allows you to merge or remove them. Opens the Filter for duplicates window. After the duplicates are displayed, use the icons on the Duplicates section to work on them. To learn more: See Help about the term base editor.
Filter: Filters and sorts the term base for various criteria. Opens the Filtering and sorting window.

This section appears only when you are filtering the duplicate entries in the term base. You can merge or delete them, or leave them as they are.
To learn more: See Help about the term base editor.
Merge Current: Merges the current duplicate group, according to the marking of the entries in the group. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Enter.
Merge Selection: Merges each of the selected duplicate groups, according to the marking of the entries in each group. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Alt+Enter.
Mark As Master: In a duplicate group, marks one entry as the master. When the entries are merged, this entry will "win" - override other details from other entries. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Space.
Mark For Merge: In a duplicate group, marks one or more entries for merging. When the entries are merged, the details from both entries will be in the entry. For example, if one entry has English terms and French terms, while another has English and German, the merged entry will have English, French, and German. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Alt+Space.
Mark For Deletion: In a duplicate group, marks an entry for deletion. When the entries are merged, this entry will be deleted. Shortcut key: Ctrl+D.
Mark To Skip: In a duplicate group, marks an entry for skipping. When the entries are merged, this entry will be left as it was, and will not be merged with others. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+e.
Back To Normal Edit Mode: Stops editing the duplicates, and returns the normal term base editor.