Translation results settings

WebTrans shows you hits from different sources: translation memories, term bases, non-translatables, LSC hits, hits from fragment assembly and auto-translatables. You can filter the Translation results pane for specific hits, and you can also specify the hit order, e.g. TM hits first, followed by term base hits.

How to begin

Click the eye icon (icon_translationresults) on top of the Translation results pane. The Translation results settings window appears:


On the Filter settings tab, configure the translation memory, LiveDocs and term base hits.

Translation memory and LiveDocs section:

  • Filter and limit translation memory and corpus hits: Check this check box to show only one hit for identical target segments – and also show no more different target segments than the number in the setting below.
  • Maximum number of translation memory and corpus hits shown: In this box, set how many translation memory or corpus suggestions you want to in the list.
  • Show corpus hits without a translation: Check this check box to show LiveDocs suggestions coming from monolingual documents.

Term base section:

  • Longest source term hides shorter matches: If the source text contains two terms where one contains the other, memoQ can hide the shorter one. To do that, check this check box. For example, if the source text contains 'translation memory', but 'translation' is also a term in the term base, memoQ will show 'translation memory' only.

    One source term gives only one translation: When filtering is on, memoQ will show only one translation for identical source terms, no matter whether or not this check box is checked.

  • Under Display order of term base hits, tell memoQ how it should order the suggestions from the term bases. Choose one of these radio buttons:

    • Order of appearance in text: Term base suggestions appear in the same order as they occur in the source segment.
    • Alphabetical: Term base suggestions appear in alphabetical order by the source term.

    You can modify the order using the check box under the radio buttons.

  • Order term base hits primarily by rank and metadata. When checked: memoQ sorts term base suggestions according to the ranking of the term bases in the project, and also by the descriptive details of the term base entries (client, domain, subject). When cleared: Suggestions are sorted by the source position first, then by the ranking of the term bases - or alphabetically first, and then by the ranking of the term bases. To view and check the ranking of term bases: In the memoQ desktop app, in Project home, choose Term bases, and check the numbers there.

    When memoQ ranks the term base suggestions, it gives a score to each suggestion. If a suggestions has more descriptive details in common with the project than another, it gets a higher score. If two suggestions have the same number of details in common, memoQ will check how important these details are. If a term base suggestion has more important details that match the project, it gets a higher score. The order of importance is this, from the most important to the least important detail: Project name, client name, subject, and domain.

    Example: if there are two term base hits for the same source expression, where the first one matches the client name, and the second one matches the subject, the winner is the first one because the client name is more important.

  • Show term base hits with empty target: If this is checked, memoQ will show term base suggestions even if there is no translation for the term in the current target language, but there are translations in other languages.

On the Results order tab, you can order the hits.


  • Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the order of the hit types. According to the hit type order you choose here, the hits will appear in this order in the Translation results list.

By default, all hit types are enabled. If you disable a hit type, e.g. Automatic concordance (LSC) by clearing its Enabled check box, that hit type will not show in the Translation results list.


Click OK to apply the settings. Click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.