memoQ activation
memoQ is free to download for everyone, but you need a license to use it. Activation happens when you tell memoQ about your license.
More: To learn how to install and activate memoQ, see the Installation and activation guide from the website.
How to get here
On the ribbon, click the memoQ tab. The My memoQ page appears. On this page, click Activation.
First time is different: If you start memoQ for the first time, you will receive a warning, and then you use the memoQ Activation wizard to set up your licenses.
What can you do?

You get all the details about your copy of memoQ and your license:
- Licensed to: The name you entered when you first started memoQ, and asked for a serial number.
- Company: The name of the organization when you first started memoQ, and asked for a serial number.
- Serial number: An identifier for your copy of memoQ, from memoQ's central activation server.
To change your serial number: click the Change link next to it.
- Product version: The version and build number of the copy of memoQ on your computer. In memoQ 2015 (now no longer supported), the version number was 7.8, and the build number preferably 150 or more. A new build is released when there are improvements and fixes in memoQ.
- Active edition: The edition of memoQ that you have a license for. It's one of these: translator free, translator pro, and project manager. The project manager edition is the most complete.
- Fingerprint: An identifier of your computer. When you need a concurrent-access license (CAL), you send the fingerprint to the server administrator. Click Copy next to the fingerprint to copy it to the clipboard: then you can paste it into an e-mail to the administrator or your project manager.

You may have a license that expires after some time. When you try memoQ for free, you have a translator pro license for 30 days. The memoQ activation window lists all your licenses, and tells you when they expire. You can check this in the Licenses list; it has the following details:
- Product: The name of the product the license belongs to. It's usually memoQ, but it can be a license for an add-on, too.
- Version: The license allows you to use this version. You may have licenses for two or more memoQ versions; then you can use any of those versions.
- Edition: The license allows you to use this product edition. If you have a license for two or three editions, you can use the most complete edition. For example, if you have a license for translator pro and project manager, your active edition will be project manager.
- Validity: Tells you if that license is valid; if it isn't, that line doesn't count - you cannot use that version in that edition. If a license expires, it won't be valid.
- Expiry: You can use that product version and edition till the date in this column. You need to check this column to learn how much time you still have. If this is Never, the license will not expire; licenses you purchase are like this.
- ELM expiry: If you received the license from an ELM (mobile licensing) server, look at this for the expiry date rather than the Expiry column.
Note: There's not fixed expiry date of ELM licenses. The date you see is always four or fewer days from the today. The actual expiry date of the license may be much later.
- ELM server: If you received the license from an ELM server, this column shows the address of the server that sent the license.
To see more clearly in the list, you can filter it with the check boxes in the License filters section. Check the Hide licenses for different versions check box to hide licenses that don't belong to the memoQ version you're running. Check the Hide expired licenses check box to hide licenses that are no longer useful. Check the Hide add-in licenses check box to hide licenses that are not about memoQ itself.

When you upgrade memoQ to a new version, or you purchase a license for a stronger edition, you need to let memoQ know about this. To do this, normally you just click Update licenses online (recommended). memoQ will receive the new licenses from the central activation server, and start again in the strongest edition that you have for the version you're using.
If memoQ cannot connect to the central activation server, you can activate your licenses in e-mail:
First, click Retrieve activation data for sending in e-mail. memoQ will save an XML file. Send this file to Support: they will run it through the activation server manually. You will receive another XML file. When that file arrives, save it from the e-mail, and return to the memoQ activation window. Click Enter activation data received in e-mail, and find the file you just saved.
If the license is not from memoQ Zrt., but an ELM license from a memoQ server, use these links:
- Update ELM licenses: Gets all new or updated licenses from all memoQ servers that have ELM licenses for you.
- Return ELM license: Returns the selected license to the memoQ server that sent it to you. On the server, it will no longer be occupied, and the administrator can give it to someone else.
- Take ELM license: Click this link if you want to get a new license from a memoQ server that has an ELM license for you. You must have a permission on the server to take a license.

An ELM license is a 'mobile' license that you borrow from a memoQ server.
You won't need to use this much: When you receive a project from a memoQ server, you will usually receive a license, too. This license will automatically be configured for you when you check out the project.
But if you need to do this manually - because your client runs a memoQ server that distributes ELM licenses -, here is how:
- Click the ELM credentials tab. It lists the memoQ servers you are connected to. Each server has an address (URL), a user name by which you are registered there, a status, an expiration date, and an ELM column: the last one indicates if the server is an ELM server. If the server you need is there, you can return to the Licenses tab, and click Take ELM license.
- If the server is there, but it's not listed as an ELM server: Click the server's address (the URL), and then click Toggle ELM property, and then click Update credentials from ELM servers.
- If the server is there, but the user name isn't correct: Click the server's address, and click Edit server properties. The Log in to server window appears where you can type a new user name and password.
- If the server is there, but the Status column doesn't show 'Valid': Click Update credentials from ELM servers.
Once the server is on the list as an ELM server, click the Licenses tab, and click Take ELM license.

CAL is concurrent-access license: it's a mobile license that you borrow from a memoQ server, but it doesn't stay with you after you close memoQ (like an ELM license does). You need to be connected to the memoQ server all the time while you are using a CAL license.
You won't need to do this step much: When you receive a project from a memoQ server, you will usually receive a license, too. This license will automatically be configured for you when you check out the project.
But if you need to do this manually - because your client runs a memoQ server that distributes CAL licenses -, here is how:
- Click the CAL tab. You can specify exactly one CAL server for your copy of memoQ. A CAL server is a memoQ server that distributes CAL licenses.
- Click Configure, type the address (URL) of the memoQ server, and then click Test. memoQ may show the Log in to server window at this point: type the user name and password you received from your client.
After you configure the CAL server, memoQ will automatically check if there is a license for you.
Later, you can return to the CAL tab if you need to specify a different server.
When you finish
Click Close.