memoQ online project - Packages
The Packages pane of the memoQ online project window shows the project packages created and received in the online project.
Some users cannot work fully online. For them, memoQ server can create project packages. Each user downloads their package, and imports it in memoQ. When the translation is finished, the user delivers the documents in another package. This is automatic. However, while the user is working, their changes will not appear in the documents on the memoQ server.
Users need permission, too: memoQ server creates packages for users who are allowed to use packages. You can allow them to use packages in Server Administrator.
If you cannot see the Packages pane: The Packages pane will not appear if packages were not allowed in the project. When you create the online project, check the Allow package creation check box in the New memoQ project window.
To create project packages:
- Create an online project with the packages allowed.
- Import documents, and assign users to them.
- Launch the project.
memoQ server will create packages for users who are allowed to use them.
Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage online projects.
You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You may manage online projects only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ server – or if you have the Project manager role in the project.
How to get here
First, open an online project for management:
- On the project management dashboard, find the project you need to manage. Search for the project if needed.
- Click the name of the project.
- On the Project ribbon, click Manage. A new memoQ online project window opens. In most cases, the Translations pane appears automatically.
- On the left, click the Packages icon. The Packages pane appears.
What can you do?

The Packages pane shows all the packages created for this project. You can download them one by one. To do that, click the Download package icon in the row of a package.
You can also download all the packages: At the top of the list, click Download all packages.
To check the contents a package, click the Show contents icon in its row.
If the packages are not in order: Click the Reset project link. memoQ will ask if you're sure: Click Yes. The existing packages will be deleted. To create the packages again: On the Online Project ribbon, click Launch project.

If a translator delivers their work while they are connected to the memoQ server, the server updates the project automatically. You have nothing to do in this case.
However, if the translator saves the delivery package, and sends it to you, you will need to upload it to the memoQ server. A delivery package is a compressed file that has the .mqback extension.
When you receive a delivery package, import it here: At the top of the screen, click Deliver package. In the Open window, find and select the .mqback file.
When memoQ server updates the online project from a delivery package, it also updates the working translation memory for the target language.
To check if the working translation memory is set up properly: Go to the Translation memories pane, and check the translation memories for the target language of the package.
It is possible that the package contains only part of the translation: This is called a partial delivery. You may or may not allow partial deliveries. You can choose this under Update options. (See below.)

Normally, you can receive partial deliveries from translators or reviewers. This means that the delivery package may not contain every assigned document, and some segments may be left unconfirmed (or even empty). From these deliveries, memoQ server will update what it can.
If you want to accept full deliveries only: At the top of the screen, click Update options. In the Update package options window, clear the Allow partial delivery check box.

You may want to start over the workflow of the project if the packages are not in order, or the deliveries became inconsistent.
To do that: At the top of the screen, click Reset project.
When you reset a project, memoQ server clears all previously created packages and e-mail notifications. After this, you can launch the project again by clicking Launch project.
Project participants are notified when the project is launched again.
Resetting the project is the same as clearing the notification history: To clear the notification history, go to the History pane. In the top right corner of the Project history tab, click Reset.
When you finish
To make changes to the documents, resources, or settings or the project, or to see reports, choose another pane:
- Overview
- Translations
- Finances (the project must be connected to Language Terminal)
- People
- Packages (only in package-based online projects)
- LiveDocs
- Translation memories
- Term bases
- Muses
- Settings
- History
- Reports
- Files
Or, to return to Project home or to the Dashboard: Close the memoQ online project window. Before that, make sure you save your changes.

When you make changes to an online project, the changes will happen on memoQ server, not on your computer. It is possible that several users make changes to the project at the same time.
Some changes are not saved automatically. When there are changes you need to save, the green tick mark icon at the top left will become orange:
To save changes to the online project, click this button.
To get the changes that others made to the online project, click this button:
Make sure you save your changes before you click this.
Switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.