Administration > Users

You can manage the users who have access the resources (translation memories, term bases, etc.) and projects on the memoQ server. Create new users, modify the details of existing users - including their group membership - or delete users who no longer need access to the server.


  1. Sign in to memoQWeb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Admin icon.
  3. On the Admin screen, click the Users button. The Users screen opens.



Project managers can do less: In the topic below, an asterisk (*) marks the features that PMs can use.

View user details *

The page lists users' username, status, full name, email address, and language pairs.

For OIDC SSO users, username might also be an email address or phone number.

Cannot see a user? Normally, memoQWeb shows users with Active or Disabled status. To approve or reject a user's OIDC SSO registration, first filter the list for the Pending account status.

Search or filter the user list *

To search users: Type something into the search bar above the user list. Press Enter. If the text you typed can be found in some users' name, username or email address, the list will only show those users. To clear the list, click the X icon at the end of the search bar.

To filter the user list by user status, user type, group membership, language, or workflow settings: Click the Filter icon-filter icon on the right of the search bar. In the Filter users pane, check or clear the Status check boxes, and choose values from the Groups, Source language, Target language, Account type, and Workflows fields as needed.

Account types might differ on each server: The Account type dropdown only shows those account types which are set up on that memoQ server - and those that were set up earlier, and at least one account of that type still exists. For example, a memoQ server once had Windows SSO set up, but now the company uses Azure AD SSO. The memoQ server administrator turned off Windows SSO, but did not remove all the Windows SSO user accounts. So the Windows user item is still there in the Account type dropdown.

Create a new user *

In the top right corner, click the Add user button. The Add user screen opens.

Project managers can:

  • Add the new user to the Internal translators and Terminologists groups only.

Edit a user *

In the Name list, click a username. The Edit user screen opens.

Project managers can:

  • View any user's details.
  • Remove users from the Internal translators and Terminologists groups.
  • Add members of the Internal translators group to the Terminologists group.
  • Add members of the Terminologists group to the Internal translatorsgroup.
  • Not change group memberships for users who are not in those two groups.
  • Approve or reject an OIDC SSO registration.

Edit more users at once

In the Name list, check the check boxes of the users you need to edit. Above the list, click the Edit users link. The Edit users screen opens.

Reset a user's password *

Find the user in the list. On the right, click the Reset password icon.

Project managers can:

  • Reset the password of users in the Internal translators and Terminologists groups.

Disable a user *

Find the user in the list. On the right, click the Disable user icon. To enable a disabled user, click the Enable user icon

Project managers can:

  • Disable users in the Internal translators and Terminologists groups.

Delete a user

Find the user in the list. On the right, click the Delete user icon. A warning window opens. Check the check boxes, and click the Delete user button.

Delete more users at once

In the Name list, check the check boxes of the users you need to edit. Above the list, click the Delete users link. A warning window opens. Check the check boxes, and click the Delete user button.

Deleted users stay in the list: To see them, filter for the Deleted account status.

Export the list of users *

Select the users you need to export. Above the list, click the Export users link. Your browser will download a file called users.csv.

Subvendor users are handled separately: If you are a subvendor manager, you can only export the members of your organization. If you own the server, but it contains subvendor organizations, you cannot see or export the subvendors' users.

The CSV file has these columns: Username, Full name, Email, Address, Phone, Mobile, Package workflow, Languages, Group membership, User can edit information in memoQWeb, User can edit language properties in memoQWeb, Account status, Account type.